I am not a fan of google in any way but have 3 paid accounts for personal and business use. I want to be paid for my work so will pay for a working service. Microsoft on the other hand, seem to be hell bent on getting rid of me as a paying customer. ( Yes, I have PC's running Windows os have paid for the operating system.)
I run several online meeting services on my systems, including Zoom, ring central, google and Teams.
Considering that Teams is provided by the manufacturer of the OS I find it impossible to believe that they have not been paid a bonus for sabotaging it.
Each and every time I need to use it results in a number of reboots, failed log ins, requests to open a one drive account, failure to find that account and random crash during use. Up until the last month it took an average of one hour to get the thing running and when it did I could heat my whole house with the heat coming out of the laptop fan. ( I am not an IT tech but do have a reasonable idea of what I am doing.)
Finally lost it and installed it on a cheap Huawei phone, took about 20 seconds to download and install and let me use it immediately with no crashes , stuttering or indeed any issue. I would happily and gladly pay for this because after all this is what I use to make a living. I just can not see the logic of a program running on an alien system a million times better than on it's own native OS and for free.
Google may be a tax dodging parasite in some parts of the world and may be a greedy blood sucking entity but at least they, along with Android, allow me to do what I need while Microsoft are doing their best to fuck up every single aspect of my use of a PC.
If the whole clusterfuck of a company died tomorrow it would do the world a favour.