Re: Let's face it, who amongst us hasn't lost a tie to the...
Best hope that others have not been less fussy, with regards to your mug.
225 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jan 2014
'The truth is that newer models will take in to account the risk introduced by the logistics of shipping. And then recommend how many days of supplies to keep on hand.'
Yeah, we can just pile the additional stock under a tarpaulin in the staff car park, and the production staff can walk to work. Leave it to the bean counters to work out how to pay for it all.
Big reality at work. ;-)
I am guessing the technologist involved knew exactly what they were doing. I would hazard that the technologist tasked with preparing the letter's, had only just finished stacking them in the mail out tray, when Mr Wysoki decided that the timing of the scheduled work had to be changed. Perhaps not for the first time?
Umm... The unprotected LG HG2 18650 3000mAh batteries in question are rated for 20A continuous discharge,two cells at 3.6V will max out at 144W,the Pioneer4you's iPV5 200W TC Box Mod is alleged to be rated to 200W. It would seem that malado should have been using lower capacity cells rated to 30A. Unless Pioneer4you neglected to detail this requirement in the user literature, it would seem malado now has lawyers fees to add to his pain. Curiously Pioneer4you web site does not list the iPV5 model, though a peruse of their user literature for other high powered models indicates that they neglect to advise of any requirement for battery discharge capacity....
Just my observation on these 'silent' electric vehicles. A local power company runs a demonstrator electric Citroen Berlingo, which passes occasionally on my walk to work. It struck me that I wouldn't have known it was an electric vehicle, if it wasn't written in large letters down the side of it. The tyre road noise is identical to that of a regular vehicle, which at town speeds is just about all you hear anyway.
No joke!
More worryingly, Koreas nuclear industry has not had a good track track record lately.
Mines the one with the lead lining.
I am a plusnet customer and have been working 'really hard' all evening.... no sir, no video streaming issues here... actually that's an lie, I've been down the pub so never noticed any outage.Coincidentally, having read a few reports of ISP service issues lately I am starting to notice a trend... it would seem that only the idiots that are constantly on Twatter are effected... YMMV
@ Toughluck. You were probably only missing having something dodgy looking in your bag. Just like hand luggage, check in baggage is X rayed and only opened and checked manually if the X ray check suggest further investigation is required. Often its the delay caused by manual checking that results in bags not making it on to the flight and only turning up days later. So if you want hassle free travel don't pack anything unusual in your check in bags, and always put a change of clothes and anything else essential in you hand luggage.
It's also disingenuous to state that 'using the plutonium as fuel for conventional reactors lacks credibility'. Mixed oxide (MOX) fuel containing recycled plutonium provides almost 5% of the new nuclear fuel used today. Currently about 40 reactors in Europe are licensed to use MOX, and over 30 are doing so. In Japan about ten reactors are licensed to use it.
"640 kB ought to be enough memory for anybody" - A. Crumugeon
Streaming constantly at 1Gb/s is not really the point. As mentioned above your 100MB download will be quicker, this frees up the channel for another user. The end result is that the telecom provider gets more network bandwidth at little extra cost, which should result in better value data tariffs. But of course nobody would want that.