* Posts by JeffTravis

22 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jan 2014

Scientists love MacBooks (true) – but what about you?


Love this

Read the blog and every comment so far, fascinating what is said and not said by everyone.

Could we be at the point where we all agree that people with differing requirements prefer differing solutions and move on though.

Yes, we need two million licences - DEFRA

Big Brother

Minor typo

Actually you do see quite a lot of visualized Oracle environment but they are generally done with Oracles Hypervisor which allows for hard partitioning recognised by Oracle as a marketing lever thus removing the requirement to license all cores in a cluster or on a host.

I believe as they say around these parts, "There, fixed that for you."


This reeks of negligence

While I'll be the first the line up and draw parallels between Oracle Licensing and a protection racket, so much of this doesn't stack up.

I've worked with both charities who believe they are too small to have any negotiation leverage and large corporates who will only deal with Oracle US (believing in a organ grinder/monkey relationship between Oracle US/UK). There are ways to optimise your licensing spend and Oracle bless them will even help you, via Oracle LMS if you ask the right questions and don't show too much of your working out.

Oracle technology licenses as Jon says above can be difficult to virtualise if you use the 'wrong' architecture in Oracle's view, equally so you can drive the costs down if use the 'right' one.

Maybe it is time to throw off the shackles of PAYE and go consulting after all......

Renault Captur: Nobody who knows about cars will buy this


Re: Graham 24 Built to appeal to its market, which is not you

It's not just babies, as they get older, before they can sit with their feet on the floor then because of the shortness of their legs the legs stick out at an angle more or less perpendicular to the seat base. You certainly notice a lack of rear leg room then, you want as much space as possible between your seat back and the back seat in those circumstances.

Arguably it's only when they are adult size, when they can plant both feet on the floor while sat in the seat so that the feet go underneath the front seat that leg room becomes less of an issue.

Facebook, working on Facebook at Work, works on Facebook. At Work



Yammer is such a resounding success........

Is your kid ADDICTED to web porn? Twitter? Hint: Don't blame the internet


The internet is 'outside'

The internet is 'outside', even if you access it from your sofa. My children get that. They are under 11 and wouldn't want to go to the park or shops without me currently so it's the same with the other outside stuff like the internet.

As they get older they'll do outside stuff without me the internet being one of them.

NHS grows a NoSQL backbone and rips out its Oracle Spine


It won't cost Oracle a cent

Oracle pricing is based on a complex rolladex system on someone's desk. It simply states the amount in 'protection' you pay. It doesn't really matter what products you use, as it's a number that can only go up, not down.

"What's that you say you don't need product x on 40 servers, that's fine. By the way your 'discount' on product Y has just been halved due to falling below our 'bulk buy' threshold."

Bill before <= Bill after

The Register Monopoly Pubcrawl Mobile Map: Vodafone wins Voice


With so many variables how do you get a definitive answer.

How much does handset choice influence these real life experiences and alter the perception compared to the underlying network capabilities.

Hollywood star Robin Williams dies of 'suspected suicide' at 63


Rest In Peace

A black eyed dog he called at my door

The black eyed dog he called for more

A black eyed dog he knew my name

A black eyed dog he knew my name

A black eyed dog

A black eyed dog

I'm growing old and I wanna go home

I'm growing old and I don't wanna know

I'm growing old and I wanna go home.

A black eyed dog he called at my door

A black eyed dog he called for more.

USA to insist on pre-flight mobe power probe



Do you think they'll have device/OS specific queues? One look at the length of the Windows XP queue (I've turned it on, it always take this long) and the Win 8 upgrade packs at the airport Dixons will be flying off the shelves.

IDC busts out new converged systems charts, crowns Oracle as Platform King


Those IDC numbers

For integrated platforms is just a cut and paste of the list price per unit....

If Google remembers whom it has forgotten, has it complied with the ECJ judgment?


The key to this is in the final para

So, to comply Google only have to remove the result from an EU member state version of Google



But not from Google.com?

In which case surely it can't be long before a "for an uncensored result please use Google.com" link on every page? Or at least as the first result to the search query "How to complete an uncensored person search" to be "use google.com"

Fat-fingered admin downs entire Joyent data center


Re: Its all about blame

Some Corporate IT is, some Corporate IT will be your differentiator.

Some Corporate IT is just the cost of doing business.

Some Corporate IT is just an expensive way of turning power into heat.


I concur - experience is everything

I always compare a big outage to the scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" where Clarence the Angel says that every time a bell rings it's angel getting it's wings.

Every time there's an outage a sysadmin is earning theirs.

It's EE vs Vodafone: 'How good is my signal' study descends into network bunfight


Your mileage may vary

At home can't get EE or Three despite being able to see the transmitter from my house. This is because the nearest one is a lamppost style transmitter designed to keep the travelers on the nearby 'A' road connected and isn't tall enough to get the signal past the trees. The big masts are at the top of the two local hills and we live in the dip (hence the need for the lamppost mast in the same dip).

So it's Voda or O2 at home. At work all the coverage maps show full strength but you can't get O2 in the building. So it's Vodafone for me, O2 for my significant other.

Work provide a Blackberry on EE, No signal at home, no problem Mr Corporate here's a Signal Box. Now I'm the local EE signal (within 15m of home anyway).

All three of them have been OK, nothing more.

John Lewis unzips mega Oracle ERP package


Oracle in Retail

Following the model pioneered by Morrisons?

Google to banish mobe-makers using old Androids: report


To iterate a point made several times earlier

This only applies to new devices yet to be shipped with old software. It won't cut off any existing users with devices already bought.

NetApp FAS array to fly out in under a fortnight


It's simpler than that

As they see the market diversifying between on and off premise storage they simply want to retain the right to charge you for the OS that manages it, rather than it seeming like a freebie that's bundled with a shed load of disks.

Cisco execs blindside themselves with flash-splash Invicta UCS array



Apparently it's not storage it's "Persistent Memory"............

I kid you not.

Icahn slurps another $500m in Apple shares, demands buyback AGAIN


Value vs Worth

Icahn and his ilk trade in value, what value is in the company for them. There's no consideration of the health of the company, not understanding of what will make the company a success. What the company does, what is it worth? Does it make product that people want etc all the good stuff that sustains and brings with it a future, do it have a worth isn't important to them. What's important to them is where can I make my next $.

It used to be called asset stripping rather than activism.

Army spaffed millions up the wall on flawed Capita online recruiting system - report


It should come as no surprise

Really, it shouldn't should it, but then I guess we are all singing to the choir.

How do they get the contracts, that's easy. Everything is "too big" for anyone other than the established players to compete with and if an enterprising individual broke the big contract down to a series of smaller contracts (along the lines of Simple Iterative Partitions theory) then the big boys complain as they have the ears of the very top of government.

So once again monumental waste. The large corporate multinationals are no better, hence the plethora of PWC, CapGemini, KPMG types in all those organizations too.

No one ever got sacked for choosing <insert establishment here> isn't it about time someone did?