* Posts by theokurgan

6 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jan 2014



Re: Ads - Removing Unwanted Google Ads

If it is a Google Ad, in the top right corner of the ad there is an option for an individual to disable an ad and provide feedback as to why they don't want to be served that ad. I'm sure if an ad annoys enough people, Google will stop serving it as much on other websites.

Scammed by Simply Electronics


Re: Scammed by Simply Electronics

Never heard of them. If it's simplyelectronics.net they only scored 3.6 out of 10 on Trustpilot. similar issues to yours I;m afraid.

Gmail scanning becomes censorship


Gmail, still ok IMO

Gmail is still a good email for free and I know of clients who prefer it over a bespoke email client.

iOS motion control iRing here at last ... but it's NOT made by Apple


I concur, it doesn't look great. Would love to see it in person, 20 quid isn't a big spend but this time of year every penny is a prisoner.

Facebook spies Little Eye, gulps it down: They said we needed mobile


Hats off

Wow, a trulely inspirational story. All I need is that one idea and I too could hit the bigtime

Firefox joins the insanity



So many plugins are not backward compatible. I use a mixture of FF and Chrome but it used to be a 100% FF split, now its a 50/50%