Re: Good
yeah, i mean, a freedom of information request and we can get it for free anyway
9 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jan 2014
I've been both, permi and contractor. I like the former for a career move and contract for stepping stone to the next good role.
"they should have been a fixed term", why? fixed term is for exactly that..a fixed term, you get all the benefits/perks of being a permi. Risk is less for fixed.
"I know there are arguments about pension, holiday and sick pay BUT this is abuse of the system", not just arguments, they're facts! here's a list you may have forgotten since you were a contractor.
Also how is it abuse? the idea of a contractor is to carry out work on a temporary basis, using skills specific to that contractor, no training needed, no nothing. All the risk is on the contractor, virtually no notice period, maybe not being paid at all/in full, potential of not having ANY work therefore nothing coming in.
"I have been a contractor and moved to a permanent position as I got fed up with all the admin needed to run the business,", what a cliche, what admin? some expenses and a bit of business banking? hardly a massive time consumer.
"the end result is that I am more or less in the same financial position overall when everything is taken into account but have a significantly better work/life/family balance", uh huh. you can take holiday as much as you like as a contractor, except you're not being paid in the mean time. the financial position is almost always better being a contractor unless you were on a low rate.
Cant understand how the virus got on their unless the systems were not kept up to date? or the systems were so out of date they were no longer protected?
The fact that they're back to pen and paper as well. That's just incredible. Business continuity must be none existent given they've been down since new year's day.
I bet they're still trying to figure out which systems are affected and they cant turn on the machines, while connected to the network (for fear of infecting others). Which would mean they're having to do it manually, one machine at a time.
yep, just like when I was ill one morning i couldnt get out of bed.
Me: i think we need to call the doctor
wife: you've probably just got the flu
me: really, i cant move nor hardly talk
wife: <tut> ok
one call to NHS direct later
NHS direct to wife: put him on the phone
Me: hi
NHS direct back to wife: call and ambulance
wife: oh shit!
me in my mind because i cant talk: yeah that's right, i'm ill!!!! hahahaha