"Russia kept reducing the supply with various excuses and suggestions"
The initial "needing to be serviced" turbine was returned to a particular company for it to be serviced. After some Oscar winning grandstanding by Canada, the turbine was eventually servied, but instead of being returned directly from Canada to Russia, it made a stop-over in Germany.
Germany tried to persuade Gazprom to take back the turbine, but the paperwork indicated that the company returning the turbine was not the same company that Gazprom had contracted with to service the turbine. Would you receive goods that had dodgy paperwork? Gazprom had standards to adhere to so they didn't. It became even more farcical when Olaf "offended liverwurst" Scholtz visited the site where the turbine was stored, "inspected" it, and pronounced it was functional and ready to be returned to Gazprom, and begged Gazprom to take it back.
Other turbines used on Nordstream 1 were due to have scheduled maintenance as well (and Siemens themselves have confirmed that at least on of them was leaking lubricant or something). But given that the issue with the first turbine was still not resolved, it was decided to take them offline rather than return them for servicing.
Which left Nordstream 1 operating at 10% or something, before the terrorists attacked both Nordstreams.
"They then blew the Nordstream 1 pipelines."
Sure, and next the propaganda outlets that you read will inform you that Putin committed suicide because he was losing in the Ukraine.
In the hours before the Nordstreams were attacked, at least 6 US aircraft were circling back and forth between the 2 points were pipelines were severed. Days before the attack Nato had one of their numerous warmongering "drills", at least one US Navy vessel stayed behind after the drills, and only left shortly before the terrorist attacks. A UK "science research" vessel was known to be operating in the area and left days before the terrorist attack. The whole of the Baltic Sea is closely monitored by Nato, in particular the stretch between Sweden and Denmark where the terrorist attack took place (don't want Russian submarines to pass through unnoticed). Given all the Nato hardware operating in the area of the terrorist attacks, WTF were they doing that 1) enabled Russia to carry out the attack 2) Can find no evidence that Russia did it. If they are that incompetent they may as well commit collective suicide now.
Sweden had their own investigation on the incident, but they're not sharing the result. Ditto for Denmark. Germany announced that they have some information, but they cannot disclose it publicly, because it would affect their national security.
Now if these 3 countries had evidence pointing to Russia, why are they all keeping quiet?
They all have a record of making evidence free accusations against Russia. So why the silence now?