No it was definitely nearer 99%, all the parts got back to Earth. Just not necessarily in the right order.
Posts by Apriori
38 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jan 2014
Starliner: Boeing, Boeing... it's back! Borked capsule makes a successful return to Earth
Surprise UK raid of Cambridge Analytica delayed: Nobody expects the British information commissioner!
Homeopathic Persuasion!
What you mean things like the government's £9 million pro-EU leaflet campaign, the BBC's endless denigration of the Leave campaign, or the FT / Guardian/ Economist / HM Treasury / LibDem / most MPs / Bob Geldof / Tony Blair / Ken Clarke continuous forecasts of instant economic collapse and World War 3?
No the Russians / Cambridge Analytica / Underwear Gnomes have got a much more effective method than that. They plant secret messages on Facebook and Twitter which make people who haven't got Facebook and Twitter accounts vote in one way or another.
Yes, the Russians / Cambridge Analytica have perfected ... Homeopathic Persuasion - the less of it there is, the more effective it is! Cunning swine! And, like homeopathy, it's most effective if it isn't actually there at all.
That was fast... unlike old iPhones: Apple sued for slowing down mobes
Re: That probably explains..
I am sure that when the focus groups were asked What do you want most in a smartphone?", they all replied "A very thin phone" -NOT! Actually most iPhones from the 6 onwards are not actually 7mm, but something like 15 or 20mm, because if you want the thing to run for for a business day (that's about 10-12 hours) you will need an external battery case which more than doubles the thickness (and adds several layers).
And don't forget the "wet bar of soap" finish, which virtually guarantees the thing gets dropped regularly - unless you put a case on it.
A decent iPhone would be something like 12mm thick with a decent, non-slippery, scratch resistant finish. The battery would last something like 36 hours with reasonable use.
Samsung set a fire under battery-makers to make the Galaxy Note 7 flaming brilliant
All you need for quantum computing at room temperature is some mothballs
Global warming stopped in 1998? No it didn't. If you say that, you're going to prison
Accenture still a little peckish as it snaps up digi biz Chaotic Moon
It's curtains for you, copper: IBM boffins push the LIGHT FANTASTIC
Jurassic World: All the meaty ingredients for a summer blockbuster
The 'echo chamber' effect misleading people on climate change
Re: Consensus is not science
There is a consensus - the best human minds on the subject of demonic possession are unanimous that man can be possessed by devils and that this will cause many people to be cast into a fiery pit for eternity. They are best placed to analyse the evidence and have been convinced by that evidence. This is a strong indicator that the idea has merit.
Certainly, the priest of 1500s Spain were the smartest guys around. Schizophrenics and similar certainly act as though they are possessed by devils (sometimes). And the priests examned them and found the signs which were taken to prove demonic possession.
Sadly neither group could produce actual evidence. And quite a few people died/are dying horribly as a result
Re: Consensus is not science
Mathematics is not a science. The subject matter of all sciences is the objective world, and while mathematics, for reasons unknown and possibly unknowable, is unbelievably successful in providing tools which help us to deal with reality, there are no '1's, or 'i's or cosines lying about the landscape, even if things in reality often conform to statements involving both things and numbers.
Also, there is no absolute correctness in science, whereas there is in mathematics. In a Euclidean universe, it is true always, at all times and at all places that Pythagoras' theorem is correct; is is similarly true that Fermat's Last theorem turned into Wiles' law of integer indices in around May 1995. Wiles' law always was, is and will be true (unless he boobed and someone finds the error). Einstein's General Relativity is very good but, thanks to quantum mechanics, cannot be the last word.
(The refutation of my opening comments may lie in Max Tegmark's book, but I can't understand it).
Re: Echo chambers
And the really bad news is that in the hysterical one-issue politicization of this, we have seen the seas fished into deserts, forests destroyed, great and wonderful habitats destroyed (Amazon, Indonesia, Africa) because organisations which used to campaign to "Save the whale", have now been taken over by "CEOs" on half a million a year who wish to stay in London, New York and Paris and "lobby" about a harmless gas.
Re: Political Bullshit
In fact your argument is completely inverted and incorrect.
The "anti-vaxxers" are those who hold that disasters will results from vaccination. The evidence is the opposite and demonstrates that the benefits of vaccination are such that the occasional real bad outcome is massively outweighed.
In climate science, the alarmists hold that disasters will result from tiny amounts of a trace gas being added to the atmosphere. However, the evidence is quite to the contrary, and the real benefits of carbon dioxide (the greening of the planet, the increases in food production) appear, at current volumes, to outweigh any apparent bad outcome.
Similarly, the alarmists seem to regard the statements of their high priests (Mann, Gore etc) as holy writ which cannot be undermined by evidence, just like the creationists who say the earth is 6000 years old. Thus any evidence which fails to support the 2 degree (or is it 4 degree, it changes rather a lot) agenda, needs to be disputed and, usually, the evidence and interpretation changed so that it conforms with the prevailing orthodoxy.
Finally, the not-too-infrequent calls for punishment (even capital punishment) for non-believers have a certain strong similarities to the similar punishments for apostasy which we hear from some of the more rationality-challenged leaders of certain religious groups.
Convincing evidence? Eh?
The evidence being a complete lack of rise in temperature despite a significant increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide? The fact that all of the models have failed to get anywhere near a reasonable forecast? The fact that extreme weather events have declined in frequency despite the forecast that they would increase?
Not to mention the actual benefits which do come from increased carbon dioxide - reforestation, better, faster growing crops - and those which would come from increased temperatures - fewer deaths from cold (which massively outnumber those from heat), less use of energy producing natural resources to warm us.
The bunch at CERN have stated that even though they have found results in line with predictions to a very high degree (in 2102 they were talking about 7 standard deviations-reliable) they were not claiming certainty until further research is done.
Sorry, reality deniers, when the results don't support your theory, it belongs with phlogiston, phrenology and homeopathy. In the dustbin.
Google gets my data, I get search and email and that. Help help, I'm being REPRESSED!
Re: Not so fast
This is exactly the kind of thinking that gave us such triumphs as the French mercantilist economic system and Soviet (and post war Labour) economic planning. If I value gold and you value oil an I am sitting on a pile of oil which is good for nothing but poisoning my crops, and you come and offer me gold, I shall be delighted. I will use the gold to buy other things which I want but don't or cannot produce.
Nothing has intrinsic value, value is constructed entirely in markets.
Of course, you can get the situation where you have to buy things that no-one would want, like sub standard education and health care, but that's where taxation comes it.
Fix capitalism with floating cities on Venus says Charles Stross
Re: So this capitalism thing @The Tick
Yeah, all those happy North Koreans (you know, the not-dead-from-socialist-induced-starvation ones). Or Venezuela, with its mass poverty and huge murder rates, or Cuba, where any kind do independent thought gets you banged up. Or 1930s Ukraine. Or the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot's Cambodia.
Your stupidity insults the victims of that hideous and murderous system.
ITU says IT industry must become 'resilient' in face of climate change
EU: Let's cost financial traders $400m a day, because EVIL BANKERS. Right?
Re: ha ha what pension fund
Nothing to do with a one eyed idiot former chancellor / prime minister.
"Let's have an enormous, harmful public sector and spend money on subsidies to windmills which produce no power. While we are at it we can sling a few billion a year over to Brussels to pay for even more unelected, unaccountable unwanted rubbish. PS now we can overpay NHS staff to keep on murdering, can't we?"
Politicians, is there anything they don't know?
Technology is murdering customer service - legally
I have just been working with a telco in Africa. Because the customer base is large but poor, pretty much everyone uses low value scratch cards. In each of the countries I visited, there were several mobile phone companies, and SIMs cost next to nothing.
As a result, if you get poor service from Telco A, you can say "Sodit" and tomorrow you buy a SIM and a scratchcard from Telco B, etc. Churn is phenomenal and costs the customers nothing.
Guess what? Customer service is superb. Costs are very low. I never had a call dropped, even in the sticks, and coverage is brilliant. Oh yes, and unlike in the UK, you don't lose time you have paid for if it goes over a month end.
Organic food: Pricey, not particularly healthy, won't save you from cancer
Green death!
Whereas animals tend to do things like grow armour, run away or hide in holes, vegetation has developed a variety of noxious substances to reduce its likelihood of being eaten.
Personally, I reckon that a diet consisting entirely of nice proteins and fats as grown in animals is probably much safer than one consisting of all kinds of toxins and unpleasant chemicals specifically designed to stop creatures like me from eating them.
Oxfam, you're full of FAIL. Leave economics to sensible bods
Re: Erm... really?
Actually it is usually some idiot ideology dating from hundreds to thousands of years old which has "all the answers", and usually involves large scale death for those who don't agree which is responsible for most disasters of any duration.
Natural disasters, which appear to be getting fewer in number - can now be addressed by well organised outfits such as the US Navy (our ships will be along soon if we can get them back from the scrapyard) and transport of food can be arranged by air to anywhere on the planet in around 24 hours.
Re: Somehow this came to mind....
Drivel from a parasite who never did a day's work.
And revolutions always turn out so well ... as 20 million dead Russians, 40 million dead Chinese, the 5-6 million who died in the French revolutionary and Napoleon's wars, all those Cambodians, the enslaved Cubans.
And unlike North America, Western Europe and so on, the populations were so happy and prosperous.
Anyone who thinks revolutions are a good answer doesn't deserve to be listened to.
Re: Unless they're from the lucky sperm club they've got negative wealth
I am sitting in Kenya, a country which is by no means rich but whose economy is growing at around 9% per annum; three weeks ago I was in Zambia which is clearly thriving (despite the figures published by various bodies with vested interests in poverty). China, India, Vietnam, South Korea (though not very-equal-Socialist North Korea, or BBC-worshipped Venezuela and Cuba), Brasil, Chile and increasing amounts of Africa are getting more and more wealthy.
It is utterly untrue that 'half the world doesn't have anything to eat'. In fact, apart from where retarded followers of idiotic ideologies rule by violence, there is no starvation and there is a general and probably unprecedented rise in wealth throughout the world. Provided trade continues and governments, ideologies and religions are marginalised (or better, destroyed) as far as possible, the world will continue to improve.
Of course, this does rather eliminate the need for outfits like Oxfam. And where would all those otherwise unemployable Oxford PPEs and socialists find work? The House of Commons is already full of the ignorant and useless.
UK's CASH POINTS to MISS Windows XP withdrawal date
Re: "realised the capital cost of paying for the existing ATMs"
Oh come on! The retail banks do nothing for the "convenience of their customers". ATMs are a dirt cheap alternative to tellers and would never have been installed in the first place if it here had not been a bomb proof financial case.
Banking is essentially a very simple business, and current accounts are the simplest bit of all (finding vast fields in the west of Ireland which you can value at the same as Canary Wharf or lower Manhattan is a skill only idiots in Scottish banks mastered).
Annual cost of teller in bank, salary, pension, benefits, training, desk, building, heating, lighting other overheads, maybe 100,000gbp, cost or ATM electricity, gbp 200, maintenance, Gbp500, depreciation, let's be really generous, 5000.
Yeah, it's all about "customer convenience"
Another climate change myth debunked by proper climate scientists
Re: Study A, then comment on B?
It is of the essence of a working capitalist society that engineering and scientific progress will move automatically towards less energy intensive and the use of less and less rare and expensive and heavy materials. Because that's how you improve profits. Think: planes, computers, phone systems (from handset to transmission methods), cars, warn clothes (compare Mallory's rubbish kit for Everest with what you can buy at Millets for walking the dog).
Ideologically driven "progress" tends to produce things like windmills which are, quite simply, rubbish. Without the East German subsidised CND and Russian backed TUC in this country we would probably have had a proper nuclear energy based economy, which might well even have had us driving round in efficient electric cars on roads which take over driving.
Just think, if the morons of Brussels/Brighton get their way, there will be no cheap, clean fuel (fracked gas), all crops will need regular saturation with genuinely nasty chemicals (which will kill most of the pollinating insects) because we know that GM is Frankenfood, all medical statistics will be accessed only by their subjects - so don't bother with your Big Data epidemiological and genomic analysis developments. The good thing is that the Chinese and Indians may eventually send us aid and anthropologists who will be able to study how a once thriving civilization was reduced to a mud hut starvation where anyone who couldn't survive the winter with no heating died off.
Re: Record profits
Don't let a few facts get in the way.
The act of parliament which ended the 'London pea souper' was passed in 1956, under the Eden (Conservative) administration. The most recent Clean Air Act was passed in 1993, by a government under the leadership of John Major. There was an act in 1968 passed by the Wilson government, but it was little more than an extension of the 1956 Act using what had been learned in the meanwhile.
Socialism usually results in such wonderful environmental successes as the elimination of the Aral Sea, the pollution of Lake Baikal, the wonderful steelworks of Nova Huta, situated just so that the difficult inhabitants of Krakow would get the maximum amount of crap in the air.
Oh yes, the Wilson government was, of course, the one that sank decent modern music radio in the UK forever. But then we got the "socialist version" from Richard "No Problem" Curtis where Anthony Wedgewood Benn was replaced by a sort of composite Tory.
"Regulation" brought us the delights of the financial crash, all the NHS scandals, and all the glories of the various OFcraps.
Massive new AIRSHIP to enter commercial service at British dirigible base
Re: They almost laughed him out of the boardroom...
The only problem is that Imperial Airways with lots of space, plenty of stops and smoking anywhere has turned into RyanAir. The main virtue of RyanAir is the same as tooth extraction or execution by firing squad. The pain doesn't last all that long.
Imagine a 'budget airline' version of a blimp doing 90mph all the way to New York...
New radio tech could HALVE mobe operators' bandwidth needs
Facebook pays $19bn for WhatsApp. Yep. $45 for YOUR phone book
Re: A beelion users can't be wrong (can they?)
OH MY GOD!!!! They know my phone number and maybe even my address. This means that they can control me, all my actions, what I spend, how I vote, they can take my children into slavery and start a world war of they want.
Frankly, SO WHAT? I could not begin to count the number of web sites I have signed up to which have all sorts of unimportant, low level data about me. And exactly what benefit do you think they will get from learning I phone my wife when I am working abroad. (Actually, mostly I use Skype because UK mobile phone networks charge so much I just rip the SIM out of the phone when I get on a plane)
And as for medical records, please give them away. If my records, Hadoop and R and Bioconstructor can come up with a cure for some cancer, some element of heart disease or Parkinson's or something, I am delighted and would not expect to get any reward more than a footnote in Cell or Nature.
No, pesky lawyers, particle colliders WON'T destroy the Earth
Re: if it could have happened
Look you stupid bunch of nerds, don't you realise that only lawyers know anything and always get everything right especially when they are not very good lawyers and become politicians instead. Just think, Clinton was a lawyer, Blair was a lawyer, Gore is a lawyer, Obama is a lawyer, Parliament and Congress are full of lawyers. They never ever get anything wrong and every decision they make is done with the deepest moral reflection.
... Actually I forgot, climate scientists never get anything wrong either.
'Wind power causes climate change' shown to be so much hot air
Cygnus space truck poised for blast-off (again) TODAY
Shambolic search for new head of EU privacy watchdog halted
Re: Abolish the EU
Or alternatively we could restore democracy, accountability, the rule of law and a legal system which does not assume guilt and where governments are subservient to peoples, and where countries can freely negotiate terms of trade with any country they choose, maybe even stop turning the seas into deserts and making large payments to various Mafias.