Re: Smartphones
poor in South East Asia?
there's plenty of poor people, but there's lots of well off middle class and lots of very wealthy in the cities - who all have the latest gizmos
Fire > ditched > pings are from seabed
357 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2014
Anyway apart from the launch , the landing and the few first steps, it's not going get a mass tv audience for months and months is it? Look how interest waned on the Apollo missions and the Moon is big in the sky.
(Unless they maybe do it all in the studio and add some bug eyed monsters .. oh what ? really..? )
The cleric is just another ego fattened twat getting himself publicity.
In 1987 the Mac changed my life - quite literally. Working in design, one arrived at the place I worked , with a freelance operator.
Previously I'd [luckily] turned down the offer of buying for the company a closed system DTP typesetter - made by god knows who...
So I saw the Mac and thought 'yeah glorified typesetter big deal..'
Next week I wanted something graphic done, thinking it might take till the next day to fit it in.
The operator said 'oh, ok hold on' switched to a draw package (this was pre Illustrator 88, so must have been Aldus Freehand).. and went biff baff boff and the thing I wanted came out of the printer.
It really was a revelation.
I became a Mac wiz, then a multimedia wiz and now a web nerd.
Thank you Apple - I may not touch your Macs with a bargepole now, but without that moment I'd have missed the future.
Optical Express spam me with numerous texts.. never been near them.
@MJI: wait till you get a bit older and your close vison will deteriorate to a 1 inch depth of field starting 2 inches from your nose.. mine has.
I've worn glasses (and spells of contacts) for short sight for years (-7) , but now I'd rather get the long sight fixed - makes any close up work a nightmare of glasses on / glasses off, then nose flat against the thing I'm peering at.
I really need an expanded set with different strenghts, two isn't enough..
Pity the watch makers of 200 years ago as they got old..