Re: Yeah... not "tech" so much..
Engineering? I'm led to believe that's as recession proof as a chemist or miner..
Plumber or central heating engineer.. now you're talking
357 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2014
Surely that first item is nonsense.. what company would happily change a specific item of code at a customer's request?
They might change what a piece of code *does*, but changing a 1 to a 0 is non compliant, certainly not ISO whatever that number is, and the manager who said "yeah ok " would get fired straightaway.
Hmm , I have an old Blueyonder a/c for my home mail - I've had it forever.
Just looked at the spam folder in their yucky webmail system but nothing.
Their webmail has always been a bit crap - I use POP, set to delete from server, so you'd assume email was deleted, but no, the webmail page always show hundreds of old emails that I've already read.
I host work email elsewhere but Virgin provide email so they should provide a decent service.
RE:"In all seriousness, I'm actually curious if you could get enough energy to survive on solely by eating an unlimited supply of lettuce"
Some lettuce species contain a soporific, so everyone would be dozing off with no need for energy : perfect solution.
Nothing that wrong with skeuomorphic - they just become symbols you recognise, providing they aren't reinvented all the time. It's design snobbery to sneer at it. (disclaimer: I have a BA in Graphic Design)
But why the hell does everyone copy iOS style? Every website apes it now.
Anyone notice how logo animation on tv adverts now copies the motion that Javascript routines do?
This is all just fashion.. one distant day extravagant rococo decoration might come back in.
...and in more news why Microsoft are fuckwits :
They emailed to say I need to update my credit card on my son's Xbox account.
No, the form keeps switching to a US entry form - even though it states UK at the top - and it then continually rejects my postcode as invalid. I tried Firefox and then IE - same problem. I left it a few weeks and tried again - same problem.
I even phoned support (it's impossible to get human help any other way) and the guy in Ireland said " oh yes, that happens sometimes". Could he help or take my details over the phone?
No, I needed another set of passwords for that and have to log in from the Xbox to verify.
Windows10 can go to hell.
Jquery is a very useful tool.
It's the dozens of plugins and scripts and things like sodding bootstrap that kill it all.
You can't get rid of CSS - it works well (even if it's a bodge) - it needs updating but that will take the committees years.
Just not lets end up in a "multiple standards" situation again
What I don't understand is how they imagined they could get away with it indefinitely.
People leave companies and go to competitiors, people chat to friends.
Was it just a slow incremental thing, where to begin with it just fell out of optimising for 30 mph figures .. and then they kept tweaking it and tweaking it. ?
Won't every manufacturer be doing this, on all fuels?
Being proper well posh I still get a twinge of guilt when I watch ITV - especially the News.
We got colour quite early - maybe 1970 - my Dad was in the electrical business but I still went to the loft to watch Monty Python on the vintage Bush black and white 405 line - big thing with doors down to the ground and maybe an 18" tube. Took forever to warm up and I can still smell that lovely aroma of valves heating up.
[oh weird -- so I then did a web search for the Bush tv and find a Daily Mail article on how some guy has converted the very same model (from 1957) to run on digital... ]
Worked there for a few years some time ago - thinking outside the box is not a country wide trait.
The majority prefer to copy rather than innovate.
But look at the place - it's Basingstoke in the tropics - no space to swing a cat and a patrician government that does what it wants and disregards anything other than growth.
Ossi - please tell me what's good about it?
My wife bought me a Surface2 for Christmas and got shirty when I wanted to swap it.
Sure the construction is good but getting it up and running was a nightmare cos of a million upgrades and a messed up charging system that refused to function.
The browser has no history in touch mode - you have to switch to desktop mode to get history - joined up thinking? I use history all the time, it's essential.
Apps ?
£100 keyboard?
Horizontal scrolling as the way to scroll general pages ? that's dumb and counter intuitive
It's a very nice kitchen tablet . The end.
I'm a one man company and before that was freelance.
There are massive benefits to the firm structure - "firm memory" is important.. not just "where did you put that" but "how did we handle this three years ago". Sure people leave and things are forgotten - but some long term memory is beneficial.
(Ironically as a long term freelancer I did hold that role on some projects in a large company I was at for too long.. )
Pure outsourcing? Anyone tried it ? It can take as long to manage as to get the job done locally - the load on the manager is doubled, so it only becomes practical on larger projects - and you have to ensure the contractor is then re-contactable in the future - otherwise new person has to learn it all from scratch.
Only problem with firms is the required bureaucracy and nuber of people you may dislike
Eh, this is weird - my luxury office is in the featured Siddeley House - if I'd known El Reg were taking pics you could have had a guided tour - fyi, it's not owned by Serviced Offices but by a private landlord who cares for the building, no expense spared.
(trivia point: my parents knew Tommy Sopwith)
When I moved in I researched the aviation history thoroughly - yes, there should be more than the odd plaque, but what?
Yes, but think how useful they will be for people to make comparative tests on their old (evil) high power vacuum cleaner against a new low power one.
We can then go round the house, using the finger wipe test, to see how much dust is left behind versus power consumed and time taken and then moan at the EU for banning the sale of high power machines.
Have they calculated how many nuclear power stations of energy (nuckergs) it will take to manufacture these things?
Re Arnold L's comment > For some time I've thought it strange that we are forced to take the mix that a sound engineer deems appropriate.
You really think anyone apart from a music nerd is going to bother?
I spend a lot of time messing around in audio mixing DAWs, as an amateur - to do it just for the hell of it will not catch on.
re: " At a previous company we got a consultant in to produce a web application for us, and we stipulated it be written in Java and use our existing data access layer."
I'm afraid its 100% down to bad management on you or your bosses part, and a fail from the guy employed to do the job - but it's no fault of PHP whatsoever.