* Posts by myhandler

356 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2014


Tesla death smash probe: Neither driver nor autopilot saw the truck


So let me get this straight - Tesla uses AI hooked up to a camera to recognise obstacles?

There's no fall back with a proximity detection system like radar?

Google to give 6 months' warning for 2018 Chrome adblockalypse – report


Any one read Philip K Dick's Ubik?

They have mini drones, not much bigger then bumble bees, that follow people around spouting adverts.

If I recall correctly they also have built in AI so if you to try to swat them, they plead for their life.

In another of his books your front door lock is connected to the powers that be - so if you fall behind on your bills you can't get into your apartment.

Samsung Galaxy S8+: Seriously. What were they thinking?


I hope Bigsby are going to sue - they may have been planning a Bigsby add on for smart phones. I can see it now...

(joke for guitar nerds)

UK hospital meltdown after ransomware worm uses NSA vuln to raid IT


Maybe it's the wake up call the government needs - doesn't matter what colour govt.

OTOH it gives them more ammunition to lock down access for everyone.

Mozilla to Thunderbird: You can stay here and we may give you cash, but as a couple, it's over


Search is abysmal - if they improve that I will be happy - right now I get thousands of results for a simple word - you cannot turn off the stupid whatever it's called auto sense.

Example: if you search for 'Weds' hoping for days of the week, it will also return anything with the word 'wedding'

iPhone lawyers literally compare Apples with Pears in trademark war


Eh, they've forgotten to sue this lot:

PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository


And then Coco de Mer had a bum shaped logo based on a suggestive looking fruit.

Hard-pressed Juicero boss defends $400 IoT juicer after squeezing $120m from investors


All I care about is they raised $ 120 million. I mean really? Who are these investors?

Can I sell them my IoT poo machine.. you get ready made poop in a pack and you print it to designer dung shapes using a 3d printer - end result iStools.

No need to eat - comes complete with selfie stick.

Alert: Using a web ad blocker may identify you – to advertisers


I'm unidenitfiable on my old Vista machine, but not on my W7 - I think it's the fonts.

Firefox user and don't do social waste of time.

For plugins I have Adblock Edge, BetterPrivacy and SelectiveCookieDelete - that deletes every cookie when I close the browser, apart from any I've nominated to keep. How long before ISPs let them slurp IP to address..?

Firefox 52 kills plugins – except Flash – and runs up a red flag for HTTP


UX is now driven by mobile and the "desktop can go to hell" attitude. That's the problem.

Facebook shopped BBC hacks to National Crime Agency over child abuse images probe


Re: For all we know...


Florida Man jailed for 4 years after raking in a million bucks from spam


Pled? isn't it "he pleaded guily m'lud" , or do plebs pled in the US?

Two words, Mozilla: SPEED! NOW! Quit fiddling and get serious


Re: Thunderbird

I use Thunderbird but the search is a bag of shit - it wants to be clever so if you search 'register' it will show results for 'registration' as well. People have complained about this for years but they think they know best. Can't be hard to have one setting to force 'verbatim ' search .

That, and the FF re-designs, are the mark of a bunch of arrogant tossers.

I found another plug in to force that round 'back' arrow to go back to being square - but the @@**### idiots have now made the URL dropdown line spacing enormous.

Tried *responsive* adaptations Mozilla?

Ironic isn't it.

Baird is the word: Netflix's grandaddy gets bronze London landmark


There was that rather good re-enactment of the test at Ally Pally (or was it Crystal Palace) on the Beeb a few months ago. Dallas wotsisname presenting. Had JLB's chief engineeer and the old tech up and running.

HP Inc recalls 101,000 laptop batteries before they halt and catch fire


A hundred and one cleans a big, big carpet for less than half a crown.

Multiply by a thousand and it's all of 125 quid in 1960s carpet cleaner jingles.

UK.gov tells freelance techies to slap 20 per cent on fees as IR35 tax hike looms


RE: "I'm a permie, but I would answer NO to all four of those questions, so think again."

So you shouldn't be under IR 35 then should you?

Government job.?

BT installs phone 'spam filter', says it'll strain out mass cold-callers


Made a car insurance claim last year and took car to local London assessor.

Got a call a few days later from Liverpool with a dodgy geezer going on about my lovely motor and they could maybe write it off or do the repair after my sad accident - wtf?

Didn't trust him an inch and had to call insurer to verify who this random geezer was.

I bet the spam filter catches him.

White House report cautiously optimistic about job-killing AI


Re: Even if job gains are balanced by job losses

Doug S is absolutely correct.

Remember not everyone has a high IQ - as you all know half the population is below 100 points.

Jobs need to be around for the less bright and less well educated - sure a load of those will be in the rich ruler category (naming no names) but the proletariat needs money to buy stuff to keep the gravy train running - where is the mass employment going to be in 20-50 years time?

AI gives porn peddlers a helping hand


Re: Lack of Research

Err.. too much hard work to use a - what is it they call it.. - a search engine?

Now I know two new definitions both of which had me laughing mightily.

French programmers haul Apple into court over developer rules


Re: Why use a web browser for an app?

I downvoted this but want to downvote it more - it's crass.

Classic Shell, Audacity downloads infected with retro MBR nuke nasty


Re: Where's that story about not being able to fix Layer 8?

Yes, but if you'd installed it many times before you'd just bounce over that and click OK. It would have got me..

What is an untrusted source anyway? Everything?

It's the sort of messge you see when an email comes through from, lets say the National Trust, and it says 'certificate not trusted'. National Trust emails have been like that for months. (I know it's not the same, but it's similar)

It's impossible to differentiate between an important message and a less important one.

Encyclopedia Dramatica user hit with £10k damages after calling ex-councillor a 'paedo'


Eh.. it says it's a satirical wiki - I 've never heard of it before this.

It's not the well known Wikipaedia

If he's dablling in the arse end of the internet he shouldn't expect much.. and why on earth is a councillor going to sites like this anyway?

We're not looking for MH370 in the wrong place say investigators


Re: No One Wants The Flight Found

>>> You have to apply Arkhams Razor to this.

It's Occam, William of Occam, my good chap.

Bosses at UK infosec biz Quadsys confess to hacking rival reseller


How was it discovered? Fingerprints or a colleague who was disgusted?

Is the company out of business? It should be.

Silently clicking on porn ads you can't even see – this could be you...


I'm 60 - my daughter showed it to me after I asked to see - it's damn cool technology - it may go out of fashion next week, but what the f are you lot moaning about?

Ad viewability worsens


Adblock Plus seems to be letting a lot through recently - still won't take long to fix and I'll be back to seeing no ads.

I used to work for a top 5 ad agency (only quality ads of course) - but I never look at ads - the ad business has trained me perfectly to 100% ignore.

I channel switch to avoid even hearing TV ads - they are universally crap.

Use Brexit to save smokers' lives and plug vaping, say peers


This is why the house of lords has a useful reason to exist - some don't toe a party line and some are immune to lobbyists.

Isis crisis: Facebook makes Bristol lass an unperson


Such a shame the Gods aren't real then mighty Isis could smite DaEsh by trampling it to oblivion.

She, the blessed one, might need to get her son Horus to help, but she's already cursed them to hell.

Funny those two religions grew up only a few hundred miles apart - both now supplanted by likes of Arsebook.

Microsoft buys LinkedIn for the price of 36 Instagrams


I'm only on LInked In for the unlikely event someone needs to read about me for work.

I see the updates the people I'm linked to make and it's universally pointless.

Facebook seems more fun - cats and photos.


Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest password was 'dadada'


Re: So what?


" So what? I use a single insecure and easy-to remember password on all sites where a hacker can do little or no damage. "

but, but but.. someone could have logged in as Mark Z on Linked In and said "Facebook sucks, you morons" and a collapse of Gerald Ronson-esque size could ensue.

What a golden opportunity squandered.

Earth's core is younger than its crust surface


Re: What is time

Thanks.. ok.. but no light bulbs gone off.. why is this meant to be revelatory?

There I was pondering the extra 2 miles an hour increasing the mass as it approaches the speed of light, and vice versa, but that seemed contrived


Re: What is time

Lars.. can you expand on this..

It takes the same time surely - what am I missing?

Something to do with derivative of speed against time and distance?

Too old for this.

Pointless features add to browser bloat and insecurity


What's driving most of this is the move to make websites look and behave like apps.

No, I don't think that's always a good thing but it's what the public and the marketeers think makes a site cool and modern.

OTOH some of it does improve usability.

Blocking Ajax requests seems counter productive for one.

Adobe launches Spark: Amateur graphical fun!


Is it a rehash of their HTML5 thing Edge ? That produces enormously bloated files

(I was a Macromedia Director user too - gone backwards we have..)

Don't split Openreach, says BT, and we'll splash BEELLIONS on broadband and 4G


This is the company lined up to purchase Channel 4 - the chump needs to be stopped - but big business has them all in it's pocket.

Siemens Healthcare struck by rebranding madness


Ohmygawd - rotflmfao

It's craptastic!

Reskilling to become a devops dude could net you $105k+


Eh what? - no idea what it is but from above comments I can file under gibberish

And what's Docker, Jenkins and Puppet ?

New names for the UK political parties or kinky sex moves?

Microsoft's Windows 10 nagware storms live TV weather forecast


That Steve Gibson "Never 10" works a treat.. showed my Win64Pro system was 'enabled' - not any more it ain't.

Thunderbird is GO: Mozilla prepares to jettison mail client


I use Thunderbird but come on, Search is abysmal appalling and awful.

It forces word expansions and guesses search terms that are not what you want.

Last time I complained on a Thunderbird forum I got told "It's free, how can you complain about something you don't pay for"

Kelway's American owners to import CDW International brand to UK


Nope Bloakey - I don't LL IDGAF , I DGAFFF, FFS



Reposting 8-second sports clips infringes copyright


Eh.. plenty of streaming sites around to get cricket - quality is not great but you need something to stop you watching too many hours.

Cricket board should FO and sell to terrestrial broadcasters .. ah wait.. there's too little demand now. You need Sky to see it and as a direct result fewer youngsters are interested.

A Logic Named Joe: The 1946 sci-fi short that nailed modern tech


Heinlein may have been right wing but Stranger in a strange land stands out. Mean to read that again along with Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar and The Sheep look up.

('Afrims' was Brunner's term for the refugees.. fascinate).

But really it's PKD who saw the hold advertising would get on us - it's Runciter in Ubik isn't it who swats the (conscious) advertising fly that won't stop trying to sell him crap.

Web ads are reading my keystrokes and I can’t even spel propperlie


This is old news though.. years ago, long before ad blockers arrived, I was on some coding forum or other and "international talk like a pirate day" happened ..and all the side bar ads turned to ads for Parrot food.

Microsoft's done a terrible job with its Windows 10 nagware


Thunderbird not so bad but its search stinks to hell

I use Thunderbird at work and Windows Mail on Vista at home so neither is full Outlook.

Thunderbird is quite good apart from its utter pile of shite search facilities which are upside down, dumb crap with extra "we know better than you" tools that cannot be tailored. But TB is free on W7.

North Dorset Council hit by ransomware, flips the bird at miscreants


Flips the bird???

This is Dorset, England - not the US

Brit uni rattles tin for ultra-low latency audio board


soz.. can someone explain what it actually does?

I dabble extensively in music and got no clue on this one..

Mathletics promises security upgrades after parents' security gripes


Anyone else find the name Mathletics hideous ?

Indonesian comms ministry orders 'gay emoji' block


Ironic.. Indonesia was a place you could see teenagers of the same sex holding hands just because they were friends.. nothing more. That would be before Western culture shamed them into thinking it was wrong.

Techie the most recession-proof job


Re: Yeah... not "tech" so much..

Engineering? I'm led to believe that's as recession proof as a chemist or miner..

Plumber or central heating engineer.. now you're talking
