Intellimouse, wired, got a spare too if it conks out.
Wired is lighter than wireless so less strain on the hand.
Scroll wheel for scrolling and left side button set to 'show desktop' - never found anything better.
356 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2014
Yes, the same with printed newspapers. It was very easy to read the first few paragraphs before deciding if it was interesting to you - I'd then often read the whole piece. The web doesnt have that appeal. There's so much garbage that we learn to make instant judgements and reject stuff that doesn't appeal before gving it a try.
It's when you see or read stuff that you had no idea you might find interesting that you learn new things.
Sadly BBC documentaries have been pretty weak for years along with a reliance on the presenter. Not Mr Attenborough I might add, but Brian Cox says the same stuff, too slowly, over and over again.
I'd rather see more from Jim Al Khalili or Nick Lane - a whole grown up series on evolution could be quite something.
But the funding, the funding - and the role government plays to grind them into the ground.
I was with an NHS eye specialist recently, she moves from one hospital to another. She wanted to write a prescription for me and forward it on my GP for repeats. She had to call a colleague to help - who was rude and said "you should know this by now". So I looked over and the arcane set of clicks and buttons would confuse anyone not using it regularly.
It looked like it had stepped out of the 1980s. I was in at the dawn of the web and interface design and it looks like the NHS are still there. It doesn't need to be 'Appified' it just needs UX people to be involved.
I remember a boy at school making one for some A level. I saw it working, track was only about 30 feet and 'train' was maybe 18" long. As you can tell it was long time ago - pre-metrication. Yes it was a school with exceptional facilites and teachers but I wonder what the guy did, spend 50 years watching as no one got it to the mass market?
I used to have a plug in for Firefox that forced "verbatim" on every bloody search.
But who knows why it got deactivated and no longer works.
So I have to carefully decide what phrases to put in quotes, or click Tools > All Results > Verbatim - drives me mad, what a lunatic waste of time.
The bastards don't give a flying fart for their users.
I read on another forum, from a Russian uaing a VPN, that they have a shortage of paper - they still like to print lots. Till receipts, official docs, but there's a loo roll shortage too.
But they can't quickly convert to plastic payment - they buy in the credit card plastic and card chips. Lots of the population lack smart phones - but those that do have them dislike QR codes as part of their anti vax beliefs. Not enough CCTV cameras either.
They didn't think to build up a central warehouse of server stuff, hard drives, what have you.
Then they manage this on a region by region basis and the regulations are different between them.
The buck (rouble) needs to stop with that disgusting cretin at the top.
If you're looking to reprint it, can't you add a statement that you're looking for the descendants etc etc and then make sure you don't spend the profits for 10 years? Or are you hoping to build a TV series around it?
Why would someone downvote you? Off topic? Oh no, quelle desastre.