Re: Not as green as 25kv overhead
They do, but I think I read somewhere that one of the next stages will be to look at moving these tanks out of the carriage to somewhere under the train.
It'll be interesting to see how it all goes.
28 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2014
I feel Gary's pain a little.
I have a guy who presumably has the .com equivalent of my address (although I don't actually know this).
From the emails I receive, he appears to own a Vauxhall, be a member of various motor clubs and does karate!
I do wonder if he ever thinks "why don't I ever get emails from *insert sender*?"
Or maybe he doesn't want said emails, so used an address that wasn't his on purpose?
Indeed, I'm very happy with my XS after upgrading from a 7.
My battery life is great, I used to plug in my phone every night but don't bother with the XS, knowing a little Car Play juicing on the commute will keep it chugging along nicely.
Since the XR came out however (and seems to be so good for £250 less than my XS) I was kicking myself a little bit for splashing out.
I think that the sheer size of the XR would have been too much for me though, the XS is pretty much as hefty as I want a phone to be.
So yeah, a XR would have been more than enough phone for my use, but I'm a happy XS customer.
Did you actually get some thermal paste? I asked the shop floor grunts where it was and they told me they didn't sell it. I'm not certain he knew what is was.
My best PC World story is when I needed a PS/2 keyboard (a few years back now).
Me: "Excuse me mate, do you sell PS/2 keyboards or just USB?"
Grunt: "errr.....just USB I think, let me check with someone"
Senior Grunt "No we don't have PS/2 keyboards, it's all PS3 now really isn't it?"
Me: "Ok Thanks" (swift retreat)
Being a PC World store I didn't think I'd need to spell out the fact that I was talking about an interface port.
I no longer assume.
...contains one thing, just one.
I really wish MS would offer the option to restore windows/apps when logging in, so I can log off/reboot/shut down with them all open and then have my PC log me back on to exactly where I was.
The times I have to start from scratch when Windows wants a reboot, it'd be great if it restored it all for me.
macOS does it and I love it.
Personally I'd swap this simple feature for all the mixed reality guff they're including.
It is nice to see a continuity-like feature creeping into Windows though for cross device work.
Methinks this is probably a temporary 'toggle' feature allowing you to access the screen parts that one hand otherwise could not reach.
Likely the same thing that Apple does with a double-tap of the home button to bring the entire display down to the bottom of the phone, only with the whole screen still visible.
I have reasonably sized man hands but can't reach to the top right of my iPhone's without adjusting my grip.
Do I want a smaller phone because of this?
I agree with the sentiment, but in the case of Channel 4 it's not entirely the same.
I believe that Channel 4 don't operate for profit per se, instead ploughing anything they make back into programming.
However, as they don't receive any license fee money as the BBC do, I guess they feel the need to add extra ads to their site.
Still don't like it, just how it is.
My company used to buy blue shirts with yellow embroidered logos on for all it's staff.
I lost count of the times I'd been shopping in Ikea after work and was accosted by EVERYONE asking everything from "Where are there more of these lamps?" "Where are the toilets?" "Where is the exit?"
Like everyone who enters Ikea....I can answer none of these questions.
OTT maybe, but still very cool.
4K is not only good for video but exceptional for still images.
Imagine having a high quality projection of your favourite artwork sitting on your wall and having it change to another painting every hour or so.
Like one of those crappy digital photo frames only waaaaaayyyyy cooler.