* Posts by trashsilo

57 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2014


Microsoft preps big guns to shift Copilot software and PCs

Black Helicopters

MSFT and WEF AI ;-<

+1 Could not agree with you more, indeed I see the concept of resetting 'Your Instagram Algorithm' has already been conceived earlier this month.

Microsoft alarms me, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 16, 2024, CEO Satya Nadella said :

'I think [a global regulatory approach to AI is] very desirable, because I think we’re now at this point where these are global challenges that require global norms and global standards,' Nadella said, speaking in conversation with WEF Chair Klaus Schwab. 'Otherwise, it’s going to be very tough to contain, tough to enforce, and tough to quite frankly move the needle even on some of the core research that is needed,' Nadella added.

Microsoft of course is not ideal for ethical AI development given their close 'US defence complex' links. AI is clearly here, Privacy is gone, VPNs are still a 'cat and mouse' game...Next year promises to see the orange clown pandering to his core voters getting 'hard ons' for 'great deals'. I do hope the middle, lower classes don't get crushed by the elite with the aid of any automation, aided by corporate influence and weak unaccountable government policy and systems.

Elon Musk buys 9.2% of Twitter, sends share price to the Moon


Twas not Tiswas

No Tiswas angle...+1 for bringing up impending Money Box Live Cliff facing all best topical news programmes.

Its gone too far once there is talk of saving 20 quid on any Microsoft licence.

Something 4,000 light years away emitted strange radio bursts. This is where we talk to scientists for actual info

IT Angle

Re: Lizards and Alienating Interventions akin to Foreign AIgent Invasions

maybe an understatement ITS GONE !!!

May have been interesting but clearly you cannot have

all the fish going in the same direction, bizarre.

IBM HR made me lie to US govt, says axed VP in age-discrim legal row: I was ordered to cover up layoffs of older workers


Re: Age...

The ONLY "expensive lead weight" I saw was paid 341 x MORE

than the average IBM employee pay of $55,000.

Apple hardware priced so high that no one wants to buy it? It's 1983 all over again


PUB Underflated Inflation ALERT

Fantastic article. That $25,000 in today’s money is according to US gov figures of course.

Does it pass the 'PUB Test'(Asking average pub punter his thoughts).

Q ) Is $9,995 in 1984 dollars more likely :

-> $24,156.06 in today’s money as per US Gov.Consumer Price Index CPI figures)


-> $137,047.93 in today’s money as per the [well respected]Shadowstats US price

inflation figures.


Really enjoyed reading that article and surprisingly I am no a fanbois.


Alphabet gives bipedal robots the Schaft 'cos no one wants to buy its creepy machine maker


Just the facts ma'am

I imagine 'tethered, or human-controlled machines' could get a 'full automony' speed upgrade.

Should they come up short against other full automony machines out there.

A bit drugs in sport-esque, that Atlas parkour performance looked impressively enhanced...

IBM sits draped over the bar at The Cloud or Bust saloon. In walks Red Hat


It's life Jim, but not as we know it.

What a massive culture clash.

Act in Open Source best interests v's Act in Commercial best interests.

Jim Whitehurst (Redhat CEO) and Ginni Rometty(IBM CEO) interviewed together about the deal and neither were comfortable. Andrew Ross Sorkin (Squawk Box CNBC) poses question about culture differences from online analysis and Ginni responds :

"Yeah look,,I,,theres two ways to think about this, first off Jim mentioned this. We are the largest contributor to open source. IBM is. And so when people say geez do we have embrace it, we have embraced it for 20 years..." <Jim Broadbent BIG GULPs>

Interview link follows. Anyone distressed by content viewed, should consider contacting relevant support -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAWIxYa5hUI

IMHO IBM maybe deluded or desperate. Good article thanks El Reg!

IBM Watson dishes out 'dodgy cancer advice', Google Translate isn't better than humans yet, and other AI tidbits


No button measuring replies needed !

Clean and real medical data-sets are being compiled now...

In Australia, GPs and hospitals are being paid to upload medical records.

Addressing obvious conflicts of interest with privacy or consent, it comes with a 3 month opt out window else the government’s digital 'My Health' record in perpetuity.

The opt out is from 16 July to 15 October 2018, then presumably someone hits the big <LOAD> button.

No button measuring replies needed !

Boffins urge Google to drop military deal after Googlers storm out over AI-based super-drones

Thumb Up

Re: In fairness

The sex-robot needs only be simple and magnifico.

Given monogamy is out in the 'mineshaft gap' scenario, maybe some very rude-mentary recognition might be in order.

Mr Chairman, we must not allow a 'affordable sex-robot shaft' gap!


Such respected conscientious objectors must always be heard, even if tech always rolls on à la Oppenheimer.

"When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it and you argue about what to do about it only after you have had your technical success." J. R. Oppenheimer.

El Reg was invited to the House of Lords to burst the AI-pocalypse bubble

Thumb Up


House of Lords has been pretty resilient to employment changes over the years, maybe the right people to ask about future employment change and keeping a job.

The UK certainly punching above their weight in terms of parliament member numbers alright.

Second highest in the world at 1430. China first on 2987 and Italy in third spot manages a paltry 950 or so.

Source : Wikipedia List of legislatures by numbers of members.

Quality and interesting article Andrew, found myself hanging on your observations in the audio.

You asked 'How to start?' - wow, you came bang out all hype sceptic, knocking some straight over.

Spot on with the liability, accountability and privacy issues.

Universal income not a premature argument but overdue for me.

Maybe there has already been an initial "Release the algorithms!" moment in finance and marketing,

with not many really seeing past the non-transparent transparency.

The data will be exploited for marketing purposes. The supplementary aeroplane flying over your house analogy and wanting a fee in royalty is not tight. The AI data agents be they smart phone, meter, cookies, cctv, wearables are flying fast 24x7 and some may not want a fee they may need a off button.

A look over the Rio Tinto, BHP self driving mining trucks suggests they manage a very impressive park unaided.

Grasp the AI opportunity UK, perhaps the biggest risk is bumbling along class lines and being irresponsible with the data.

IBM freezes contractor hires to keep full-time workers fully occupied


NOT a tech CEO.

IBM's Ginni Rometty is NOT a tech CEO !

Now Tesla's Elon Musk or Amazon's Jeff Bezos THAT is a tech CEO !

Have to say I do like that python jacket croc dundee has on, very top end. Which is very hard to admit given how much I love my perl uber all else.

Hackers emit 9GB of stolen Macron 'emails' two days before French presidential election


Re: What a load of guff

Personal freedoms are being lost or given a levy at an ever quicker pace.

Privacy is arguably going to gone for future generations. This incompetent economic system puts price discovery on it all. I love to find free campsites though.

The question is scale ?

Do you want these bigger global corporates, bigger super rich, bigger govts, bigger amounts being skimmed off ?

It does affect us all really.

As to your persuasion I sympathiSe, though its democracy and its coming down to political lines besides left v right, in this case it was a clear rejection of main parties and then maybe elite nationalism v old nationalism.

The future with automation does hold a reckoning.

I see the middle getting crushed by the elite with the aid of automation, aided by corporate influence on weak unaccountable government policy and systems.

So for me local accountability is the right side of history, Mac-Ron is odd and the 9Gb data stuff is fluffy guff.

Good luck and remember the PS5 with the true VR, may well be closer than 2 years away, vive le PS5.


What a load of guff

The main political parties are not in the race.

The people seem no longer represented by the main stream parties or main stream media and have voted accordingly.

Those scared by the actions and lack of control over this election script, should maybe consider the upcoming German election a real challenge.

Joie de vivre le reg.

Amazing new boffinry breakthrough: Robots are eating our brains



Its 11 on inequality, the rich will get to buy amplified AI.

Us crazy fools will be told nothing and left to IT.

nbn™ to cut the charges ISPs pay for traffic


Australia pick two for your National Broadband Network ?

1 ) Fast NBN,

2 ) Good quality reliable NBN,

3 ) Cheap affordable NBN.

Large retail ISPs have only picked cheap affordable NBN, at all costs. Speed and quality do not matter as they are selling to end customers and simply want the cheapest price to get as many customers as possible.

Maybe NBN should focus on delivering to the real end customer, 1) Fast, 2) Good quality reliable NBN. There are surely enough bad cheaper services available already and I can see no fast, good quality ones.

NBN should know who their real customers are to achieve success and remember a good service sells itself. Simply get on with that tool to measure consumer quality of service and strict mandates to deliver said quality of service to a customer and NBN may have a chance to fly. As it is many customers know they are being gouged with poor quality and slow NBN.

Same as it ever was...

nbn™ tops AU$400 million half-year revenue


Re: Chance would be a fine thing

Politically hijacked broadband at affordable prices, pah.

A broken business model, broken promises and broken is what it is.

NBN charges for bitstream products, faster speeds and more data then you pay more.

The retailers are offering a completely different business model with data allowance plans and pushing 'unlimited' plans that are woeful.

I signed a business property lease and a 2 year NBN contract with a certain vendor on such an unlimited plan. 8 months in and the connection is untenable, slow with dropouts and traffic shaping. It is dire and unfortunately I cannot blame the vendor

I can only really hope to get out of the contract by becoming a 'high volume data user' and being kicked off, but believe me its not easy to become even a 'medium volume data user'.

NBN / vendors clearly need measures on consumer quality of service and strict mandates to deliver said quality of service to a customer. Ideally some tool the customer can use to determine the level and report it back.

Please save us the political jibes.

Oh, the things Vim could teach Silicon Valley's code slingers


Above and beyond truly universal in power.

Bram Moolenaar surely deserves a %s/beckham\./beckham+knighted./g

for this genius piece of code complete with :help iccf

Come on Queen Máxima of the Netherlands. Pronunciation in Spanish ([ˈmaksima soreˈɣjeta ˈseruti]) and Dutch ([ˈmɑksimaː]) source:Wikipedia, if that helps with the name any, unsure on simple english type pronounciation...sorry.

On that, why is Vi pronounced "vee-aye", not "veye";

when Vim is pronounced "vim" as one word, like Jim and not "vee-aye-im" ???

The keep it simple, stupid in me says "veye" and "vim".

Please is there a 'greatest software ever written' list as good as this article and its comments.

Thanks all;>
