Misleading sponsored links
A lot of people seem to think that just because Google declares the "sponsored links" as such, that is the end of the matter - but it actually misses the key point, whcih is about "misleading behaviour". At the risk being accused of self-plagirisation, I will repeat the text of a comment I made in response to the original story back in July:
The real issue is that the "sponsored links" refrreed to in the court case appeared to point you to one site (which appeared to correlate to the name you were looking for), but actually took you to a competitor’s site - that sounds "misleading" to me.
"The ACCC case stems from Google results that came up when searching for Kloster Ford and Charlestown Toyota in 2005. Those business names appeared in the headline for a link to the Trading Post, a competitor for car sales."
Google Australia may well have changed their practices now - I don't know - but the case relates to past behaviour, which certainly seems to have been a bit "dodgy" on the face of the evidence.