@ Don Mitchell
Excellent points Don, couldn't have said it better. And while we're at it could we finally please add the following items to the curriculum:
* A "computer" is a grey box or sometimes black with a transparent panel and blue lights inside
* Computers are made of motherboards, chips (things get kind of complicated now as there are actually not one but two types (Intel and AMD) but bear with me) and graphics cards. Unbelievably some early steam-operated machines (not really computers because they didn't have an Intel or AMD on the motherboard, like the early Crays) actually didn't have a graphics card and in fact science has yet to establish how the things were used in the first place
* There are three programming languages: VB and VC+. Well yeah that's two actually. Computer scientist also know one that escapes me but I've heard of at least this excellent painting program thingy was written in it
* However the hardware by itself doesn't do much, to make it do some useful work you have to use the Start thing and "start" something, hence the name. Or reboot.
* The windows of a computer are sometimes called an "operating system" for obscure historical reasons that no non-leftist remembers anymore
* The most advanced computer scientists actually divide the windows's into multiple categories, there's the plain Windows, Windows Server, Windows HPC, Windows for Spaceships, Windows for Avionics.
I think that about covers it.