Thanks for the 32 bits
While I only have a couple (practically one) remaining, I do appreciate their work to continue supporting 32-bit systems. It almost makes me wish I still had an old PPC Mac from yesteryear. And ISTR reading Adelie had plans for SPARC as well, though that presumably remains to be seen.
My little i386/i686 PC is running FreeBSD today, recently upgraded to 14.2, but as 15.0 is expected to drop support, the days are numbered. I'd been thinking NetBSD will be the thing at that point, and that's still the most likely landing, but I do keep an eye out for Linux possibilities. The candidates seem to be few, and shrinking.
Debian plans to drop 32-bit x86 releases, and I've assumed that will likely be the end of 32-bit MX Linux too; we'll see what happens. I've only test driven MX on a desktop for a bit after Liam's prior review, but I came away with a favorable impression. Using it for small server duty would likely not be a big hurdle.
That said, Alpine would be my next likely choice for 32-bit x86 Linux in small configs.
Though my i686 (VIA C7) has a whopping 1GB RAM (!!), and I've beefed up the storage a bit and even added a 1Gb PCI NIC, it's still a small system and I typically only use it for lightweight server duties. Alpine or NetBSD would presumably be fine. Might be worth trying Adelie too, though as noted in TFA, the focus seems to be more desktop than small server. Still, it's on the list, so well-done to all involved.