Got Backups?
(Apologies to the US dairy industry's funny Got Milk? campaign.)
My first experience losing data on a PC was in 1983 on a Franklin Ace 1200 (Apple ][ clone). Since that time, I have embraced the aphorism:
"There are two kinds of computer users; those who have lost data, and those who are about to."
Microsoft's reprehensible behavior aside, one of the problems that has always dogged personal computing is the unspoken reality of owning a personal computer: you are now a System Administrator. And as a sysadmin, YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible for the protection of your data.
The fact that MS have done a very poor job of providing tools with the base OS to perform backups (with a capability to actually restore them at need) is perhaps the real crime here.
Contrast this with the *many* other OS's that existed over the intervening years that MS have offered products which provide backup tools with the OS; indeed said products would have been unsaleable in their target markets absent such a capability.