* Posts by TMISv2

7 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jul 2007

World of Warcraft: 'The crack cocaine of the computer world'

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If crack is only that addictive...

Awesome, this means I can take up a crack habit and just stop after a few weeks when I find something better to do :)

MPs lambast BBFC over Batman


to Quote Vaz

"The BBFC should realise there are scenes of gratuitous violence in The Dark Knight to which I would certainly not take my 11-year-old daughter. "

Well don't then... The answer's pretty simple.

STOP! Won't somebody think of the children!!!

South Korean prez turns on the internet


Well governments, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear eh?

Oh Noez! Free Speech, let's stamp that right out... Can't have people questioning authority willy-nilly now can we?

Cardiff 'copter coppers give chase to UFO

Black Helicopters


K, was gonna say that they'd come from the space/time rift under Cardiff ;-)

Social networking site bans oldies over sex offender fears


Won't somebody think of the children!!111one

Looks like using an ICBM to crack a walnut again, as seems the current tradition with fear and hysteria-fuelled policy.

American-German biometric database share deal inked

Black Helicopters

Who threatens our way of life?

"Terrorists who threaten our way of life see no barriers in borders between countries, neither should our efforts to stop them,"

Bit late for that really.... Our way of life is changing more and more.

Martian ice swaps poles every 25,000 years


Don't be daft

"Think that our planet wobbling about on its axis could provide an answer as to why climate change is happening without getting all hysterical about carbon footprints and farting cows ?"

How's the government supposed to defraud us all out of our money with "Green taxes" if that's the case? ;-)