Re: Article is incomplete
Great scott! That's 2496 episodes of Eastenders. If you would care to imagine it.
31 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2013
The game has been working as well as any MMO "works" during its early release. They have delivered on their promises (bar the offline mode) and they have chosen not to ban/punish some people who abused a system to gain money.
For people who are scared of the big bad space bullies there are two very easy solutions. Play in a solo or group session, or travel to one of the 400 billion other star systems and avoid them that way.
Simple really.
And as for the "kickstarters who haven't received the game". What? being a kickstarter myself I can tell you I've been playing this game long before it got released. If you want to see a group of short changed kickstarters just go look at that poor Star Citizen crowd. Where's their game?
It's such a hideously arrogant statement to make in this day and age. Especially since old Musky is South-African/Canadian.
He then followed it up with a comment about everyone in the room being "'Murcan! Or at least pretending to be."
I watched that conference live and I have to say I almost turned it off then and there.
There seem to be tinpot firms that do this every few years. Stick a face, some wheels and a pair of useless flagella on a coat-stand and claim it's a paradigm shift in robotics. Even Asimo seems to mostly run on preprogrammed routines. Hardly a robot.
Now Petman, Bigdog and Schaft. Those are robots.
We have an elderly Sales Rep around his mid sixties and he is as shit with computers as you can possibly imagine.
He has some pretty wild expectations such as thinking you can diagnose and repair his home inkjet printer without him a) telling you the make and model, b) telling you what specifically isn't working and c) actually being at his house so that you can ascertain all of the above and implement a fix.
To top it all off he is either dribbling on all of the equipment I give him or doing something else even less pleasant. I am really hoping its dribble. Really hoping...
Why are they so inherently evil?
Why is it assumed that as soon as someone owns one of these devices they are going to be using it to film you and invade your privacy?
If I had google glass I would be using it to experience augmented reality overlays of my every day world. Something reminiscent of the AR specs that everyone uses in David Brin's novel Existence. I certainly wouldn't be using them to spy on the activities of a bitter sysadmin with nothing better to do than try to block my glasses from accessing the internet. I'd be using them to post virtual sticky notes pointing people to good bars and reading restaurant reviews that pop out and hover in front of the restaurant as you walk down the street (above head height so you can see where your going, duh). To me, that sounds exciting and fun. Maybe I'm just a techno facist bastard though. Or a glasshole.
In summation. Grow up. If you want to spend all your time blocking these things from your corporate/home/starbucks wifi then more fool you. You will make a laughably small impact. The rest of the world will have moved on.
If a murder has been committed and the detectives take casts of footprints in the area (yours happening to be amongst them), is your privacy being infringed? I would say no. I would say the MAC address is analogous a footprint. Anonymous and boring. Unless you happened to see that footprint elsewhere. Somewhere that MIGHT connect you to a crime. In which case, what were you doing at both the crime scene and the victims street/front garden/place of work/etc?
I don't know what kind of idiots you think the NSA or GCHQ must be employing but I imagine even the slowest data analyst would need a little more than a MAC address before giving the ok to storm your house and cart you off to Guantanamo.
Let the down votes begin.
Couldn't agree more.
Even the RT is perfectly suitable for light work around the office.
I totally understand that some people prefer the simplicity of iPads and Android Tabs (Maybe not quite so for Android) and I agree that the Metro/Modern UI is a little pants for non touch devices, but the surface is a much more capable device. Unless your a app-whore I can't really see any disadvantages.
Concerning this article however, I don't see how this patent is in any way valid. I am pretty sure that what they are describing are the same as the HP Blade arrays and enclosures that I have been working with my whole career.
At least they're not trying to patent a glass doorway like a certain fruity company. *cough cough*
...that the passwords listed in this document aren't just the generic, totally not important, randomly generated passwords that the ISP gives you in order to connect your ADSL? Because I would find it very odd if an ISP linked your ISP email with your ADSL log in.
But whatever. Outrage brigade is out in full force I see.
I sense I will be voted down greatly for this. But whatever. This topic garners such one sided comments.
We have spies! Proper freakin' spies. Clandestine operations and uber hacking on our behalf.
I'm young, stupid and know no better, clearly, but as far as I know they haven't hurt me.
So I'm happy to have an actual 'Q' (the newer younger one) on my side. So what if he can see my filthy porn habits, sees who I am stalking on facebook and knows which political parties I hate. I'm a mere statistic in a grand cyber war and probably a very typical and uninteresting statistic at that.
I don't know how Hari Seldon is going to get his plan together without some good old fashioned data points.
I'm from Essex, England.
Having done a lot of data mining myself, but in a commercial application I can tell you it is all very anonymous. Right up until the point you find what you are looking for. At which point you usually apply some logic and discretion if what you are looking at is sensitive.
I don't look at peoples buying habits and then immediately try to extort money out of them or blackmail them.
What makes you think that's how GCHQ operates? If you were working there as some sort of high up decision maker, would you allow a politician to come along and tell you to start snooping on someone to discredit them? I know I certainly wouldn't. I'd see that as a stain on my honour.
So again, why do you believe GCHQ are out there to shit all over human rights? They probably have prevented harm coming to you and those you know. What proof do you have of them bullying normal folk around?
I can't even get angry about this any more.
I rank all you anti NSA/GCHQ types with the nutjobs that rave against scientific projects in the BBC comment section. Its necessary. The world is a mean place. And yet in your mind you seem to populate these organizations with pantomime villains. As if they have an irresistible compulsion to hurt people and damage lives when their actual objectives are to do the complete opposite.
If anyone offers a counter argument you shore up your defence with the "That's what they want us to think defence".
Get over it. They are certainly not going to stop it because a bunch of outspoken neck-beards demand it. Especially if you are right about all of this. Which you are not.