* Posts by hondo

6 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jul 2007

Speedy evolution saves blue moon butterflies


evolution vs faith

darwin's theory was originally derided by the scientific establishment because they all recognized it as garbage: the fossil record didn't support it, genetics didn't support it (random mutations as helpful changes--HAH) but the atheists wanted it to be true because they wanted a leg to stand on to oppose the "religious nutters". as one of their brightest has said "natural selection made it possible to be an intellecually fulfilled atheist".

evolution and creation neither have much to do with science, but many would like to think they do. science is about creating a hypothesis (theory) based on observation (at least that's what they taught me in junior high), and conveniently no one can observe the evolution of a protein into a man because it takes billions of years to happen, and it happened billions of years ago, or so some say. likewise creation.

the real facts of science have all been established by watching what happens in the present, and then either extrapolating to the future or the past, but evolution necessarily excludes this kind of observation because no one has a billion years to spare to sit and watch a vial of amino acids evolve into a worm.

if anyone claims to witness evolution in action its because they have no idea what evolution is


Re: Re: to greg nelson

Hey Greg, if I knew that, I would be God, wouldn't I?


to Greg Nelson

Excellent pseudo intellectual psycho-jibberjabber you have going there, mr nelson. did you learn that in university? looks like you're the one who fits neatly into the status quo

the "religious psyche" has nothing to do with any of that ridiculous nonsense you're spewing. it has to do with GOD CHOOSING ME, and so far, not you.

"For example, I'm curious if an immortal soul can be sustained and go unmeasured in a Universe subject to entropy."

the immortal soul is not PHYSICAL, and as such is not subject to the laws of PHYSICS. quite convenient, i think.

good luck parsing the universe. let us know how that works out


to neil

well neil, if you believe in God, Noah, and a flood that covered the earth up to the highest mountain, it's not much more of a stretch to believe in a flightless bird crossing the entire earth to be delivered from destruction, is it?

it's perfectly logical




"I just don't buy it. Basically they are saying that mutation cannot create anything new, which is complete rubbish. It's like saying that because all the letters of the alphabet have been invented, that just rearranging them cannot ever create anything new."

by the way, natural selection is RANDOM MUTATION. to say that RANDOM MUTATION creates new species is like saying if I throw a billion letters into the air they RANDOMLY fall lined up into the works of shakespeare, or some such brilliant work. after a billion quadrillion cumulative tries of course. maybe some of you should try that on your next post. see you in 50 000 Anno Domini


so what species did the butterfly change into?

a moth? or a hippo? was that in the story or did i miss it?

EVOLUTION IS A FAIRY TALE for wishful thinkers