Microwave guns
I just thought I'd pop by and add my two cents:
Microwave guns made from wire mesh / tinfoil and microwave emitters from cheap $50 microwaves (probably bought from amazon.com).
As long as the shape of the waveguide is correct, it should be able to reach a drone at 300ft. If one emitter is not powerful enough, add more until you have enough power, using reflectors to combine the beams.
- Cheap to build
- Effective against electronics
- Point and click
- Line of sight operation
- No ballistics to take into account
- Infinite ammo
- Output capacity can be increased as required
- Requires a power source
- May reflect off rain, telegraph poles, etc
- May also disrupt nearby electronics such as phones, computers, etc
- Might give you cancer
- Might burn you
- Might electrocute you
- Might catch fire
- Might explode