Encrypted Skype?
Wasn't Skype originally encrypted anyway when it uses peer-to-peer networking? Does that mean they removed it?
Glad I don't use it any more
151 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2013
Are you sure about that? Back when I used to watch F1 they were often moments they tried to get interviews with people but failed, so they trotted off somewhere else looking for somebody else to grab. Granted that was quite some time ago now
I assume the chat number doesn't change? So surely, if you can intercept a device, or go phishing, and find the chat number, it wouldn't be that difficult (I'm thinking state actors, rather than joe hacker).
When you compare that to the WhatsApp which basically notifies everyone when you've joined, my thoughts are that the Signal one is the easier, or at least the more covert.
Disclaimer: I've never used Signal, so no idea how it works
I noticed recently that my auto-cookie-deleter kept removing google cookies in Firefox, even if I didn't browse anywhere, so I've just moved to Basilisk (which is based on the early 2017 Firefox), but runs off a Gecko-based rendering engine... So not even using Chromium/Blink.
Google's "Calendar Team" emailed me to say I wasn't using their "official" app, which is odd because I don't know how they knew, as I had ticked the "Don't scan my apps", and I don't link to the Google calendar system (I run my own ownCloud server for calendars)
Anyway, just waiting to find the right phone replacement to drop Android, then I guess the only Google thing I use is YouTube
It's probably not the "architecture" that you need to be trusting, rather the chips. I bet the pre-pentium chips are probably trustworthy. After all, the older back the chip design, the less likely that it was designed for "internet" usage.
So really, what you want to look at is dusting off your old retro computers, and see if you can equip with with an Ethernet card :)
For the record, I'm not talking permanent working overseas, I'm talking jump on a plane on Monday and fly to a customer site for 1-5 days then fly back home.
If you're not talking permenant, please can you explain why a dual nationality makes the slightest bit of difference?
One global company I worked for sent me to Budapest and Memphis for a week each. Guess what, Memphis isn't in the EU, and I didn't have any issues, nor did I have to become an American citizen or anything.
I, honestly, don't get what you're saying. I could see it possibly making a difference if your office was based in the EU, but just flying over there to do some work and fly back, not so much...
"4. along the same lines, No EU courts overruling our own."
I'd rather like to have had the EU courts continue to overrule May's diktats
This isn't a refutation of the argument, it's just your preference... And of course, May isn't here to stay, you can vote her out. Good luck in voting out Junker though...
Redstone has given you some. I don't agree with some of them, but they are none-the-less still valid.
But I'll give you one : The free movement of people. You might think this is a great thing, you can go work where ever you want, but look at some of the eastern european nations. I think I read that Lithuania lost a quater of it's population as they moved around Europe. What does that mean for the home nation?
As I also mentioned, I never said "nothing good came from the EU", I appreciate that there are, I'm just saying it's not all one way.
You can downvote me all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that there are actually legitimate reasons to leave, even if you don't agree with them.
the decision by the UK to leave the European Union despite the clear and obvious logic in staying
... in your opinion.
Yes, there were valid reasons to vote remain, but there were valid reasons to vote leave. It depends which reasons you thought were more relevant as to which way you voted. Stop pretending it was just an act of rebellion
"IFAICS what you're saying is that instead of having one set of regulations we could have two? That'll simplify things, take back control, cut red tape and [insert pro-Brexit slogan of your own choosing]."
Yes and no... He's suggesting we have a UK reg, which applies to people flying drones in the UK, and if you want to take your drone abroad to the EU or the US, you then have to follow their regs, which may be different to our own. Sounds pretty sensible to me, just like driving a car abroad, you really need to learn the rules of the road in the country you're driving in, regardless of what you learned here in the UK
Is it that bad? On my PC, FF grabs about 300MB at startup and with currently about 60 tabs open is using 1GB
Well, I opened task manager when I saw your comment. And it was at 598M (7 tabs, 2 are shops, 1 is a paused YouTube video, and 4 are The Register). Whilst just looking at task manager (not even using Firefox), it has since breached 600M. Then it's just dropped to 594M and has just surpassed 603M
Why so much is going on when all I'm doing is typing in a text box (or even not using Firefox) is a total mystery to me.
At the end of this post, I'm now over 624M
I concur. It may seem a glib explanation, but it doesn't make it any less true that xenophobia was a large factor in how people voted - look how many St George's have gone up on honest-to-god flagpoles at the end of people's gardens. Racism reimagined as politics
I saw an article about a jersey being sold on Amazon saying "Were #1" referring to britain, and how it can't spell "We're" (Ironically, the article also missed an apostrophe in one of their words), and whilst the article was painting it out to be some "xenophobic" statment, I found it a little sad that we, as Brits, don't seem to be allowed any sort of national pride without being condemed as racist.
> It's a lie, because Boris Johnson made it up and it has no basis in fact.
Well, it kind of does...
Only Extra class bananas have to comply fully with the shape specifications. Class II bananas, for instance are permitted to have "defects of shape"; Class I bananas are permitted only "slight defects of shape"
This regulation requires that bananas of the highest quality classification not have "abnormal curvature"
3.5mm is great but not perfect; a 'snap-off' magnetic connector would be better, and would have saved me money since I have damaged headphone cables be catching them on things.
This! I don't just catch them on things, when I'm at work, and have one connected to the desktop, I sometimes forget how short the cable is (or forget it's connected to the PC and not my MP3 player), and lean to the other side of the desk...
There's also Altera's version in the form of the Cyclone V SE. You can share memory or talk to the CPU via the AMBA interface.
There's even a cheap(ish) Dev board in the form of the DE0 Nano SOC
Hmmm, I spent ages looking at this board, but the block diagram (link below) shows the the RAM is only available on the HPS side and couldn't find any information regarding accessing the RAM from the FPGA side. It was a while ago though.
I've just redownloaded the user manual, and it lists the DDR3 under "Peripherals connected to Hard Processor System", but what I clearly didn't notice last time, is that the table also lists a bunch of FPGA pins, so that might actually be the board I'm looking for. Thanks :)
Also there have been FPGA boards for the Pi before and the BeagleBoard. ModMyPi used to sell the BeagleBoard one, but it no longer seems to be listed and I can't remember what it's name was now.
I nearly bought a BB and the FPGA board for a project, but it seemed that you could only bash a byte at a time between the two processors. If I ever find an FPGA dev board that shares RAM with a "regular" CPU (ARM/Intel), I'd love it.
The Microsoft post reiterates that the old beliefs about passwords are already obsolete: password length requirements, password “complexity” requirements, and periodic password expiration all need to be jettisoned because they make passwords less secure
This coming from a company who's limited my password DOWN to 16 characters?! I don't even know how they did that if all they stored was a salted hash, but it used to be 20, so I always have to remember to backspace the last four when I try and log in.
Even a properly set Winbloat system should be using user accounts not admin accounts
Didn't think Embedded XP had any concepts of "user", least of all User and Admin accounts.
What I'm surprised at is that the ATM system isn't CRC/MD5 checked and/or reimaged upon receipt. Kind of like when I buy a new laptop, I'll wipe the disk and install from a known-good CD/DVD
And very much like what happens if the UK leaves Europe - until it happens, you won't really know "what's left". You never know, it might just be driver and a few front seat passengers getting their comeuppance that take the hit. Then the rest can finally get off the bus like they wanted to all along
The researchers identify that it was a specific attack (as opposed to a random error) with command and control instructions being identified, and that the attack occurred through a botnet that used the well-known "BillGates" malware.
Wow, people really don't like Microsoft or Windows any more, do they?!
Doesn't everyone have a folder they created years/months/weeks ago that contains junk functions like this? One of the first habits I fell into when I started programming was to save every function I wrote because I was under the deluded impression that what I wrote was beautiful and elegant
Well, I never consider mine to be beautiful and elegant, I just never wanted to have to keep writing it... The ultimate irony, in my case, is that from time to time, I actually still ditch it all and rewrite it, trying to standardise things like variable names, and formatting. I then get bored, resurrect the stuff I didn't rewrite and carry on with a horrible mix... Maybe one day I'll get the time and motivation to properly tidy everything, but I doubt it.
What if the ad folks become proxies and insert the ads inline, much like how modern product placement can replace sponsored products between runs of a show? Because the ad people are now between you and the content, you can't block them without blocking the content, too.
I could see those sites dying. I certainly wouldn't visit them.
In fact, sites that pop up asking me to subscribe or whatnot before I've even seen any content on their site annoy the crap out of me, and I never go back there
Now you see, that confused me when I first saw the device. I found it difficult enough already to hold an android phone without my fingers/thumb interfering with the touchscreen. I wouldn't even know how to hold the Edge. To me it sits in the "Stupid ideas" category of design. However, I've never used one (nor likely too), so I could be wrong about it
>Really? .Net 4.0 solid?
Sorry to disappoint you, but the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook is not actually part of the .NET framework, it's actually a referenced COM object (as heavily implied by the error of System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException). The interop namespace should give away that it's not part of the framework.
To be honest, I don't touch ASP.NET - I try and avoid everything web-based (which is making my life harder by the day).
However, the .NET framework, I can't speak for the "Core" stuff, but has been pretty solid and stable since v1 to v4.5 from what I've used in WinForms and console applications.