The Two Ronnies called...
...they would like their Mastermind sketch back please
33 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2013
I realise you are not directly addressing the census but, for full clarity, you cannot complete the census in advance - it is intended as a snapshot of the nation on a particular day. As such the demand for the site should have been anticipated well in advance. Or, if it is a DDoS - as they now claim - then that possibility should've been anticipated as well and had suitable defences organised.
That cabinet paper is actually very good and reasonably accurately predicts the current pay tv climate - the only tech clanger it dropped was its assumption that HFC would be a one-way technology, which is why it suggested it would be out of date by the end of the 20th century. It shows that the growth path for online access was well understood by the early 90's.
So that begs the question why the fuck did Keating insist on a competitive roll-out of cable? Blind Freddy could see that both companies would roll out their product in the same areas (ie those identified as having families with reasonable disposable income).
Actually your NQR is NQR - Aus and the US (the two to whom you refer I assume) have state driving/drivers licences. These are not a national ID card on two counts (a) they are not federally administered and issued [note 1] and (b) they are not compulsory. A national ID card needs to be both.
Note 1: Driving/drivers licence information (in Aus, at least) is also not easily shared, either within jurisdictions or between jusrisdictions - this appears to be a system issue.
@Diogenes. Seriously?
A road project commissioned without mandate by the last Tory, in-the-pockets-of-big-business, shower of shinola:
- using a business case so dodgy they wouldn't release it (that from the released summary still showed a negative ROI even with stretched assumption),
-using contracts rushed through without oversight just prior to an election they knew they would likely lose to an opposition who had stated that they would cancel the project and who took that pledge to the election,
- using cushy "side letters" that guaranteed eye-wateringly substantial break payments to the contractors even if the project was subsequently cancelled, the very costs you are whining about.
If you want to whinge about the lefties wasting money then talk about the desal plant done by the last Commie, in-the-pockets-of-the-unions, shower of shinola - now *that* was a CFMEU-driven rort if ever there was one.
"...Plenty of people have posted on The Register with information regarding a news story and have gone anonymous because they work for them or used to work for them...."
Well I hope they weren't logged in at the time they went "Anonymous" because if they did those alleged "Anonymous" posts show up in your "My Posts" timeline. That's about as anonymous as a see-through burka
"...booth babes are the only things worth looking at..."
"...scary feminazification of our society..."
"...sack of potatoes with a lipstick covered physics textbook stapled onto it..."
" feminists (as opposed to women with actual skills)..."
You cunch of bunts make me embarrassed to have tech qualifications and work in the tech industry [Note 1]. Fucking dinosaurs. Fuck off back to your squalid, pr0n watching, meat beating, woman-fearing little lives.
{Note 1] Actually, no. You make me embarrassed to be male. Fuck right off.
I'd like to see the actual quote - I suspect it was more along the lines "...we didn't realise so many of our consumer PCs were used in businesses..."
or maybe it was "...christ on a bike, we didn't realise quite how fecking cheap our business customers had become over the years, we thought they were all buying Thinkpads..."
"...I shudder to think what would have happened if, during WWII, we all had this same mindset. It's almost like the media and government want another terrorist attack. One for the ratings, the other for more repressive power..."
Gosh, I don't know. If there had been such a mindset then there may have been forced internments and relocations of Japanese-Americans. But I am sure that such a mindset would not have existed back in the enlightened 1940's.
Oh, hang on a minute...
This isn't a tool for the S'kiddies, this is potentially grown-up stuff.
Imagine if you will a trade show. Imagine a vendor at this trade show giving away gift logo'd USB sticks, mouses, novelty rubber-tipped missile launchers, whatever. Now imagine those had been nobbled by said vendor (or a third-party without the vendor's knowledge - yes, shadowy organisation with a TLA, I'm looking at you) with some nasty.
I am sure that has never/doesn't/will never happen.
A "Rubicon" is river in Northern Italy that was considered the point of no return for Caesar (J)'s army a wee while ago - ironically Google is your friend for stuff like this.
As for Google Doodles being stories on El Reg, they have crossed that rubicon a while ago, they have then done some sightseeing, picked some flowers and had a picnic - doodles have featured a number of times. One common theme for the El Reg stories on the doodles is their relationship to IT or science and, frankly, *any* means of keeping a pioneer (in so many ways) like Grace Hopper to the forefront of peoples minds is A Good Thing.
Happy birthday RADM Hopper - may your code be bug-free in perpetuity