Re: MS Basic
MS Basic worked like a charm under CP/M, worked with it in the early 80s. Still have the manuals somewhere... Even the docs were decent. Not all MS Software is bad!
In the last 30 years, however..
44 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Dec 2013
They won't strangle it, I think. They'll fumble. Just as bad for your S.O. and you, just the process is different. Compare Skype.
But pray tell, what do you get when you purchase a software company? Expensive chairs, couple desks and used hardware..
The people will simply walk when it's no longer fun, and source code is quite useless without the brains.
Lovely thought, huh? I'm a tinkerer, and it's something I intend to build this year, based on existing IR remote projects. Preset a certain time, ad starts, hit a large "sod off" button, and it goes gradually down to silent (just sent voumel down IR code), and after the time intervall, turns the sound back on.
It'll help, somewhat.
Same here. It is not karma that did it to you though (and many others here) but dirty greedy lying bastards like that Microsoft waste of oxygen.
I think IT is the most interting occupation in the world, but the wrong kind of people are in management.
Wasn"t always like that.. I'm pushing 50 now and looking forward to retirement, bloody shame.that is.
Gosh, I remember absentmindedly grabbing a glass of ice "water"and drinking from it while waiting for the beer when in New York couple of years ago. Boy.
Try Bud Light! Basically water, but it doesn't taste like chlorine like their "water" does.
PS where I'm from, they used to add chlorine to swimming pool waters way back when I was a kid.
Galaxy cafe in NY, it suddenly catapulted me into being like 8 years old, quite a trip.
Chunky cable, indeed, very important. Decent speakers, not this plastic junk.
For that kind of money, I can at least afford a valve/solid state hybrid amp,a nd add an airport express to strearn digital music to it. Or a bluetooth audio adapter, if you don't mind losing a few bits.
You end up with a halfways decent audio system, and standardized interfaces, rather proprietary junk in a plastic enclosure. Junk with good D/A, but still <shudder>
Strongly seconded! I've been using them for years, the big plus is that they don't self discharge as quickly as "normal" NiMh, So you can easily grab a freshly charged one and know that it will work.
Of course, you need to make sure the device in question can deal with the lower voltage (1.2V per cell rather than 1.5V)
IIRC PenPoint was first, I tried it out during a conference in Boston in 91 or 92, and immideately fell in love. That looked like the future to me.
Then, Microsoft introduced Pen Windows (or Windows for Pen, or whatever it was called). Like many others, my employer decided to go with MS instead. Microsoft abandoned that version of windws soon after, it's man purpose apparently being nothing but to kill cmpetition.
I, too, believe they have held up computing for about twenty years, at least in some areas.