Re: Needs to be saved for posteriority...
The job advert is no longer accepting applications, so many must want to work in Hertfordshite.
The house prices must be low
29 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Dec 2013
Why don’t we just go with the dumb stuff. I mean, it works, it lasts longer, it's cheaper...
These people that insist on every sodding thing connected need to have a connected devices shoved up their arse to monitor which end produces the most shit!
There's a product, just there..
"I'm sorry, did you want our help or did you think this was somewhere you could just be abusive?"
A true dick! Good news is this person will most likely lose their job and hopefully earn a life lesson. I expect this will be the start of the end for Monster Dicks and the whole support team.
People just don’t know how to communicate these days. If people stopped trying to point score with every email/txt and all the rest of the social media things, the world would be a better place. And Monster Dicks mights not be facing another black mark to their name.
I'm not sure about that. It's a waiting game. This will go on for many, many years. The whole of Europe will have changed (hopefully for the better) by then and in the meantime, there is 10 years of revenue coming in. Unlikely any fine will create a dent in that, and plenty of time for the Google Car to come online and drive you around continually asking for your life story and offing to sell you sh*t on route.
Unfortunately I think they are very astute and EVIL!
"the biz was successful in attracting more customers across its range of broadband, fixed landline and paid television for the quarter"
Some folks just rely on the "it couldn't happen again, not to me! Not to lovely dildo, we are all safe with this new 2p cheaper package
Let's face it idiots crash into things all of the time. It's in a village, on a corner and a junction. All of these are reason to go slow and be observant!
If we have to start taking stuff down because some idiot bumps into it, we will all be in fields.
I'd take the license and keys from the muppet that hit it and not give them back until they learn how to drive.
The best decision I ever made with regard to teaching my son about computers was to ditch windows and all paid for software. Not because I particularly hated MS, back then I actually really liked Visual Studio. But it's all too easy, clickerty, clickerty and it's all done.
The same can be said for linux, but once you start installing all the little extras and trying out the free software you end up having to dig under the hood a lot more than windows.
Another reason why the RaspberryPie is great for kids. Every child should be issued with one and all home work and project work can be done on that.
The "low or zero margin business model" is really the only way anyone other than a multi-nation corporation can get a foot in the door, particularly as the big boys don’t really pay much in the way of tax as profits are shipped around the globe until they find a suitable low rate.
I wonder how long it is before the big boys pursue them with very lengthy court battles "coz you nicked our round corners!!" just to put them out of business.