tablets? OS ?
At the office I use Dell PC’s all day running Win7 and mostly MS Office apps. I turn the PC on, then go and make a coffee, and the damn thing is still booting up by the time I get back. Yes, I know it has a load of corporate stuff on it that it has to go through, but still it is around 8 minutes before I can work, and then, it just does the job I need it to do. At home I have Apple stuff, and again I run MS Office. The various Apple bits are all up and running in around a minutes or less, and it is fine apart from the fact I don’t get time to make a coffee. I use iMovie a lot for personal stuff, but what I did buy and never use is an iPad. I just cannot get used to typing without a keyboard. For portable quick stuff at home I much prefer the MBA, for a bigger screen I use the MBP and if I need some serious screenage I use my oldish iMac27 (2009 vintage I think).
I think the point I am trying to make is that there is no easy one fit solution for us non techie people. In the commercial and personal world it is usually a PC running Windows, and that seems [eventually] to work and meet the needs. For a lot of people there is the ‘it just works’ Apple world again with a keyboard/mouse , and for many others there is the lure of the tablet with a single inter/outer face of a screen. Many like that, many use it for video, email etc, but at the end of the day, it cannot replace a decent specced machine with keyboard and mouse if you need to do some serious ‘putting.
I tend to buy a new computer device about every 12 months, and I just realised that I actually still use them all all - except my iPad, but then my SO uses only her iPad, and her windows laptop lies battery expired in a cupboard, she leaves any serious ‘putting to me. There are however, still the occasional essential programmes that will only run on Windows, (MS Project, Visio, Dressage Designer etc) and I really can’t be arsed to run a virtual Windows, so I might just buy a something that runs windows for home use. But it won’t be windows 8 or 8.1. I suppose I could dig out the dead XP laptop from the cupboard, but, it is XP, and it is sooooooo slow.
It is never simple is it?