CAA NZ CC's 1000's of users email adresses to each other :(
CAA New Zealand have just shared 1000's of users email addresses with each other :(
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91 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Dec 2013
Some years ago a plumber friend had the job of installing a macerator toilet in the basement of an Indian restaurant, that evening the boss of the restaurant thought the job was finished and decided to err test it :(
The pipe was only loosely connected prior to fixing it to the wall and finishing everything, of course the inevitable happened and the pipe blew off turning it into a pre digested curry shower !
Dave at EEVblog has been etching pcp's with water
A friend of mine had the job of testing all the fire alarm call points (break glass type), in somewhere rather large, with a map of the location of them all he set off and all went well until he found one that was not on the map. He penciled in the missing red break glass call point onto the map and released the glass to test it, people started rushing out of the door along side it, it was the haylon release for the server room !
The two best USB chargers that he has tested came from Ikea (£8) and Poundland ( actually a £2 item ) !
For anything that may go up in smoke he has his "Explosion containment pie dish" on hand.
As for the LED lights that he has tested, 99% use a simple capacitive dropper rather than something that has the potential to cause interference.
They're journalists, methylated spirits would probably work just as well as alcohol.
BigClive tasted it ROTF
Often I'll just close the door, and then check again (or my wife will check for me) and without doing anything else... Voila! It's appeared right there on the shelf in plain sight, when it definitely wasn't there before.
That's a temporal continuity error, it was there before you opened the door and after you closed the door but not while the door was open the first time.
There is a full explanation of these in The Twilight Zone - A Matter of Minutes
The latest meeting between the Department for Transport (DfT), Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and representatives from the UK Model Flying Associations took place yesterday afternoon at the DfT offices in London.
The most urgent matter to address was the recent change to the Air Navigation Order (ANO) which introduced (in Article 94A) a 400ft height limit on the operation of all Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA) which will come into effect on the 30th July 2018. Whilst the changes to the ANO are largely aimed at regulating 'drones', the 400ft restriction will also apply to model aircraft below 7Kg.
However, we are pleased to report that agreement was reached that the Model Flying Associations will collectively apply for an exemption from Article 94A to allow their members to continue operating model aircraft below 7Kg above 400ft as they do under the current ANO. The DfT and CAA were supportive of this course of action and did not foresee any reason why the exemption would not be in place in time for the 30th July.
Negotiations on the other changes introduced in the ANO, namely operator registration and online testing of pilots remain ongoing, but for now it is business as usual for members of the BMFA, LMA, SAA & FPVUK.
Here in the UK if it is under 7kg weight there is no height restriction (apart from any local airspace restrictions). If over 7kg then its 400 feet above point of launch.
If the controller in the drone has restrictions then it is a simple matter of replacing it with a commercially available one that does not, its not "hacking", its no different to replacing a burnt out motor or speed controller.
If we eventually get these, will there be no driving test for them, and will I be able to drive to the pub, get pissed, then put it on auto and sit in the back seat to drive home ?
Thinking about it I suspect that while being able to get off the train and phone my car to come and get me (empty), that once inside there will be a BRB meaning that I become "in charge" :(
Three scientists were one day discussing what would happen if they rammed a cork up an elephant's backside and force fed it for 2 weeks. But because the experiment had never been documented and the idea was hard to comprehend they decided to have a go. A week after the experiment had started they began to realize WHY the idea had never been tried, they were stuck for someone to pull the cork out.
One of the scientists came up with the bright idea of training a monkey to do the job, so they spent the next week training it to pull out cork once a buzzer had rung, then push it back in for another go. The big day arrived, they set up all the monitoring equipment and set out to a safe distance.
The first scientist went 1 mile away, the second went 2 miles away and the third went 3 miles. When they were all ready the first scientist pushed the button to sound the buzzer.
The third scientist (3 miles away) was up to his ankles in poo, the second (2 miles away) was up to his knees and the first (1 mile away) was up to his nose. When the others joined the scientist who was 1 mile away they noticed that he was in fits of laughter.
"What the %$*& is so funny?" asked one of the scientists as they dug him out.
"You should have seen the monkey trying to get the cork back in!!!"
There are two types of ejection, the sort that you can prepare for, and the sort that you cannot.
Preparing involves getting in to the optimum position with feet on the rests, back straight, arms in, etc
It is the unprepared type that not surprisingly causes the worst injuries.
This is well covered by The Air Navigation Order, I hate the phrase "Drone" when used to describe a quadcopter, these are the vermin of the skies when bought as toys and flown by muppets ! They give responsible pilots a bad reputation, as per other vermin these toys should be shot on site with a 12 bore !
'PS We do of course we need supernovae to make the heavy atoms, but I am arguing that the evolutionary process is very powerful and therefore life of some form is inevitable.'
Transuranic heavy elements may not be used where there is life. Medium atomic weights are available: Gold, Lead, Copper, Jet, Diamond, Radium, Sapphire, Silver and Steel. Sapphire and Steel have been assigned.