Bad management
Hybrid makes so much sense especially for IT work.
The only people who don't like it are managers who can't manager their staff and boomers who think the only real work is done down't pits.
1304 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Dec 2013
We visited Bletchley last autumn and we were priviliged to meet a fine old gentleman named Neville, who is one of the few surviving people who can directly remember Bletchley in the war. He lived there as a child when his parents worked there.
He was awesome, told us some fascinating glimpses into life there, and let my daughter into some normally off-limits places to take some pics.
And of course, NO ONE ON HERE picks you up for your insults do they? I use the word "idiot" and am told this:
"Please remain civil. If you cannot accept a diversity of views and criticism, public debate may not be your thing."
Whereas you can call me a racist bastard, oh and an idiot as well, and no one bats an eyelid.
Where's the censure for this AC?
Utter hypocrites.
Civil? That's hilarious. Being labelled as racist, xenophibic and stupid is not hugely civil, and yet that is all that happens. That's what all us Leavers are, isn't it? Daily Mail-reading working-class? None of us could possibly be intelligent, well-educated professionals, that doesn't fit the easy profile does it?
I am happy to be accused of being wrong. I am not happy at being accused of not thinking very carefully which way to vote.
" I think I did it from a better understanding of the practicalities of what a Brexit vote would lead to"
How exactly have you any idea what level of understanding I have?
Your comment is typical of those who voted Remain and congratulated themselves on their intellectual superiority.
It was not about borders for me, and I am not stupid. It was about creeping federalism.
Common trading block, yes please. A US of E? NO THANKS.
I know I'll get voted down to buggery because it doesn't fit the view of all Leavers as 60 year old racists, but there were a lot more of us than you think who, although we like European people and European cultures, could see no choice but to vote Leave as these because it was the only way we could see of stopping this federalism.
SING on, there's nobbut thee an' me;
We'll mack th' heawse ring, or else we'll see.
Thee sing thoose little songs o' thine,
As weel as t' con, an' aw'll sing mine.
We'll have a concert here to-neet,
Soa pipe thi notes eawt clear an' sweet:
Thee sing a stave or two for me,
An' then aw'll sing a bit for thee.
That's reet, goa on, mi little guest,
Theaw tries to do thi very best,
An' aw'll do th' same, then thee an' me
May get eawr names up yet tha'll see.
Why, th' childer's listenin' neaw at th' door;
There's creawds abeawt! there is, forshure.
Heaw pleosed they seem—dear little things!
Aw'd sooner sing for them than kings.
"And an illness is exactly what the article author has."
Apologies, I missed that completely.
Trouble is cooking is a lost art. Cheffing is all the rage and there are many cheffing programmes on TV and books on shelves but where is the teaching of easy, basic, tasty stuff?
Unless you have some form of illness or disability you CAN cook decent meals cheaply, easily and well. And to claim you can't is just laziness.
Spent an hour this weekend making some fantastic home made soups, which were basically water, seasoning, herbs, chicken stock (cubes) and a lot of chopped veg. Froze it in lunch-sized batches.
Add a bit of bread and some meat/cheese/vegan protein and you have a tasty lunch.
When we make mash we always make double or triple as the effort is basicaly the same.. Then freeze the rest in portions. Previously-frozen mash makes the creamiest mash as the freezing destroys lumps. Next time you need mash you do not need to cook it.
I make a pasta sauce from herbs, garlic, onion and canned tomatoes, fry off the onions, garlic, add herbs and seasoning, then the tomatos. Whizz it if you like it smooth. Freeze in batches. Defrost it, heat it up, add pasta and some grated cheese. YUM.