6 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jul 2007
Fast Show at its best.
They wait for me in the forest....
"77 per cent mercifully insisted they'd made it to the toilet for a quick chat with God on the big white telephone"
I still prefer the classic 'driving the porcelain truck', a euphemism I picked up in Australia of all places....
Straight from the No Shit Sherlock school of reporting.
The key question is, what we he doing with those speakers naked from the waist down?
Which was worse, the jams as a result of the crash or the rubber-neckers taking photo's? I think its a chicken and egg thing...
--> I'll get my butchers apron
Surely a better size for an implant?
The Vexatious Litigants list is a veritable treasure trove of les nom de sex.
A cursory scan of the list revealed a Frankie Goble, a Thelma Gush and a Ram Saxina
Vexatious indeed.....