* Posts by 4Candle

8 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Dec 2013

Capita wins £135M extension on much-delayed UK smart meter rollout


Re: Klystron

That's just not cricket...

Cybercriminals raid BBC pension database, steal records of over 25,000 people


What I find interesting is that the Universities Superannuation Scheme Pensions hack got their members only one year of free monitoring. I wonder why the BBC get two?


One year on, universities org admits MOVEit attack hit data of 800K people


Re: 12 months from now or 12 months from then?

There's probably so much information disclosed that they'll need more than 12 months to sift through it.

Council claims database pain forced it to drop apostrophes from street names


Re: I've seen worse

It's often now "Grape Street" or somewhere where the pub is called "The Grapes". In Oxford, it's now Magpie Lane.

Infosec pros can secure IT, but have harder time securing job satisfaction


Not shocking news

I'm not surprised. Doing information security doesn't make you loved by your colleagues. It's like selling condoms. You tell people that prevention is better than cure, and you're seen as stopping all enjoyment.

Prez Donald Trump to save manufacturing jobs … in China, at ZTE


Re: ZTE and Huaweii backdoor all their chips


Actually IIRC Huawei have been given an OK by CESG in the UK - it needed a code inspection in Cheltenham as past of an openness deal. Lots of hot air being spouted by protectionists.

Do I trust Intel or Qualcomm more than Huawei? Not really.

Huawei claims national security is used as plausible excuse for 'protectionism'


Their kit works well, and is in many people's homes already. BT Openreach routers and Huawei mobile phones already have broken into the market.

What's the real difference between things made for US companies in China and made for Chinese companies in China? As is written above, the code has been inspected by the likes of GCHQ and found to be without a problem.

Recommendations for private cloud software...


Filr does the job!

Take a look at Filr. You have total control of your files as they stay on your site (keeping your data in the local jurisdiction).

It is designed to work with Microsoft AD or NetIQ's eDir, and it keeps the file access rights properly. Supports iDevices, Android, Blackberry, Macs and PCs. What's not to like?

It allows you to share (if you want), without duplicating data all the time.

More details at: http://www.novell.com/filr/