Re: unlike in the UK....
The French Revolution came well after the Declaration of Independence (16 Years). Though no doubt the ideas of Voltaire, Diderot et al were in the air.
The authors of the federal papers, Declaration, and Constitution were all educated in the classics, read Latin and in some cases Greek. They were well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of Athenian democracy and Roman republicanism, and crafted their foundational documents accordingly. It has been a remarkable success, though in many ways that seems to be grinding to a halt as it did for their ideological forebears.
Americans are so immersed in self-love that they are incapable of crediting a person of any other nationality as producing anything of benefit. A simple example: The rotten Phillip's Head screw (an American invention) totally dominated over the Robertson's Head (A Canadian invention). Only recent re-branding as Square Recess after the inventor has been forgotten and patent rights expired has led to Robertson's Head gaining decent market share.