* Posts by Wanderingone56ish

15 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Nov 2013

We're ALL Winston Smith now - and our common enemy is the Big Brother State


A better book

For a more relevant - and more chilling - analogy read The Bellringers by Henry Porter.

The iPhone of the future will know you BY YOUR EARS


I am not in the habit.......

of sticking something in my ears that has recently been stuck in someone else's ears.

Google TOO WHITE and MALE, says HR boss, looking in mirror


I wonder .......

How much time and money western corporations have spent trying to meet some unspecified 'diversity' target without diluting the talent pool within their company.

iPhone-stroker-turned-fandroid sues Apple over iMessage text-slurpery



“Unbeknownst ......... to Plaintiff," - who is a former Apple user?

I call bullshit.

A first-world problem solved: Panoramic selfies, thanks to Huawei's Ascend P7


Re: Truisms Spoken Aloud

Difficulty in pronouncing Huawei?

Geordies have been saying it for centuries - as in 'Huawei the lads!'

No longer a 'hobby', Apple TV rakes in ONE BEEELLION DOLLARS


I already have an Apple tv. It's a Mac Mini hooked to my television.

Think-tank to infosec: You're doing it wrong


The most salient point in the whole report was the recommendation that a 'security G20' be created.

Jobs for the authors.

Boycott Firefox, gay devs urge as Mozilla appoints JavaScript daddy as CEO


You're article's not reporting that they are calling on anyone else to boycott FF, El Reg, only that they're boycotting it themselves - which they're perfectly entitled to do.

Seattle pops a cap in Uber and Lyft: Rideshare bizs get 150-driver limit


Consider this

Of all the examples quoted by the Seattle councilman (taxis, restaurants, etc.), which have to pay money to Seattle city council and which don't.

That and that alone is the basis for their decision.

Care Bears... share: NHS England promises to heal careless data-sharing plans


Could do better

Under the HIPAA law in the US, any healthcare organisation is required to provide an 'accounting of disclosures' on demand - in other words, they are required to tell patients with who and why they shared the patient's medical info.

Of course the UK government could have adopted, wholesale, any or all of the HIPAA language they choose but doing that would have eliminated much of the opportunity to create yet another absolute balls-up of the kind so beloved by British governments.

IT'S ALIVE! China's Jade Rabbit rover RETURNS from the DEAD


Small oversight

"The State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence said at the time that the rover was having trouble because of the "complicated lunar surface environment"."

No roads and no charging stations then?

OK, Mr. President, those cybersecurity guidelines you ordered are HERE



I have the guidelines but haven't read through them and yet I'm wondering in what material day they are different from the plethora of stuff that NIST already publishes.

Think British weather is bad? It's nothing to this WOBBLY ALIEN planet


How long until.........

Donald Trump plans to build a golf course on it?

Greenland glacier QUADRUPLES speed, swells seas


Unclear on the concept

I'm happy to stand aside from the debate on whether or not our burning fossil fuels means The End of Civilisation As We Know It (I won't be around to see it so I don't particularly care.)

What I don't understand (well, one of the myriad of things I don't understand) is how the answer to it all is to make me pay more taxes.

Anyone care to help me?

CIOs, IT chiefs: ARRGH! What do you MEAN, HR just bought 400 iPads and didn't tell us


Most 'shadow IT' that I've come across exists because the 'official IT' is seen by its customers as too rigid and too slow to respond (fairly or not).

'IT' is available over the counter at a shop near you and some enterprising non-IT person decides that the kit he/she can buy over the counter can do that particular job and that going that way circumvents the bureaucracy, delay and other assorted frustrations of dealing with the IT department.

Is it frustrating for conventional IT types? Yes it is - immensely. Will the non-IT types want IT to support their new kit? Yes they will - because many of them are revenue earners whereas IT rarely is. Is there much the IT department can do about it besides whinge? No.