Nice hardware....
...shame about the price, OS and fanatical mouth foaming devotees.
I needed to buy a Mac as around half of my work is native Mac based. The new Macbook Pro IS a lovely laptop with plenty of power and great hardware, it runs Windows beautifully.
Now the people that sneered "Uh, WIN DOOOOZE....." and rolled thier eyes at me when I pulled out my trusty Toshiba now greet me warmly as if I've all of a sudden achieved enlightenment.
I'm full of praise for the hardware, can't stand the unintuitive OS though.
If I put a USB stick with some music on it into a PC, Windows asks me if I want to play it (using whichever apps will play it) or open the folder to view the files. In MacOSX, it asks me if I want to import them into iTunes and when I click "No" it assumes I'd rather do nothing at all with it....
Same with pictures. Import to iPhoto? No? Ok, I'll do NOTHING!!!
So much for "It just works".