* Posts by Tailgator

5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Mar 2015

nbn™ CEO didn't mean to offend gamers, just brand them unwelcome bandwidth-hogs


".... lots of users hitting the network at the same time is causing congestion; heavy users could be shaped during peaks to help maintain network performance; shaping would affect “gamers predominantly” ...."

So to be absolutely clear, even though it's concurrency causing the issues, gamers - who aren't the heaviest users, are the ones most likely to have their services shaped. Even though they aren't the major cause of the problem.

The PR spin just goes from bad to silly.

A granny and a marriage celebrant show Turnbull's 4ked the NBN


Re: 79% connected at 25Mbps or less

@ mathew42

Not it is not 'Labor's Fault'. As much as you continue to push that opinion.

The reality is that the Labor Govt introduced a model to install FTTH to 93% premises by using a Govt funded and subsidized model, one which the commercial markets/private enterprise couldn't possibly hope to emulate. And the end result would have been a massive boost to the infrastructure of the country and it's ability to compete in the global economy.

That opportunity has been sacrificed to the Liberal Party slavish adherence in the belief that free markets are Always the best solution no matter what. And the PM Turnbull is too egotistical to admit he was wrong.

Australia now has the 'MTM'. A policy which combines the worst aspects of both the US and GB models. And the Aust economy and society will suffer for decades to come as a result.

(Aside - Had a good laugh at Turnbull's damning with faint praise of Mark Pesce in the provided video link. Patronizing bastard.)

Australian Labor Party toys with a return to fibre, sometime, somewhere


Motherhood statements

- seem to be the go.

I doubt the ALP will embrace Turnbull's MTM concept and my interpretation of the 'two stage' NBN policy statement is that it implies having to deal with the contractual obligations and the reality of the Liberal Policy. Perhaps they will re-focus on FTTP, re-direct FTTN contracts to the most needy areas, and put upgraded HFC and FTTN areas at the very bottom of the FTTP list. Imo they could do worse.

There's a discussion thread on the ALP policy options here .... http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=2403194

NBN Co says 'ante-up' to fibre applicants


Or if you live in an area where the majority own their own homes and are prepared to pony up the $1000. Like Point Piper, NSW? (Think Kensington W8)

Meanwhile renters and those with lower disposable incomes are stuffed.

Turnbull says no need to future-proof NBN


According to the latest ACCC telecommunications report https://www.accc.gov.au/publications/accc-telecommunications-report/accc-telecommunications-report-2013-14 the Liberal's MTM won't be so cheap for consumers.