* Posts by Bigboy1

8 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Nov 2013

FORCE Apple to support BlackBerry hardware, demands John Chen


People are misunderstanding ....

Based on what I am reading, I think many people are misunderstanding how an app-neutral market would work.

Developers would develop one app, based on some set of universal standards. It would be the responsibility of the Operating System providers to make their OS compliant with that standard so that apps are able to run on all devices.

Net bennefit to consumers, to Developers, to BB, to Amazon, to Tizen, to Microsoft...

Net loser - Apple and their walled-app garden cash cow.


Re: How about "no", Mr. Chen?

It's not a matter of arrogance. he was hired to increase shareholder value. There is no bigger impediment to that goal, than the app gap.

He's going his job.


Re: I think this is the wrong sort of burden

"Chen wants not to prohibit something but to force it; he wants to put a positive burden on Apple, Netflix, etc to develop software they weren't otherwise planning to."

I don't think he is proposing that. I think he is proposing that apps be developed by some universal standard and all OEM's can access them and run them on their Operating System. The obligation is for the OEM to make the Operating system compliant with the standards. He is not suggesting every software benddor has to by law, write a new program from scratch to suit every Operating System that pops up in the space.


Re: Erm, wrong

I think everyone is aware of what net-neutrality is. What is being proposed here is an extension of the idea to include app-neutrality.

Its a great idea - a net benefit to consumers anyhow. The only loser in the situation is Apple who is making a killing off of their walled app garden and off of their dominance in the apps-race.

As for Dev's - Chen's proposal is not to force dev's to write code for every OS that springs up. It is to have them write one app based on some universal standard and the OS providers can build to use the app. Any tweaking of apps for suitability on a certain OS would be optional and done by the OS provider themselves.

Rogue Android: We show you how BlackBerry's pain can be your gain


Re: £149 for a nearly android, or £99 for a good one?

I think he meant relative to the other mature OS, iOS. Given BB10 is 1 year old, it is remarkably bug-free. Still needs improvement though.


Re: 8gb, or 16gb isn't enough nowadays, and certainly won't be enough in 2 years time

BB world has that too.


Re: £149 for a nearly android, or £99 for a good one?

For better hardware, or because you prefer the BB10 OS. Or maybe, as the article points out, you are trying to escape the google web. Maybe you just want to support a 3rd competitor in this space.

Meet the BlackBerry wizardry that created its 'better Android than Android'


Re: Security?

The android apps can be housed in a Secure container using blackberry "Balance". There is no inherent danger to using android apps. It is no different than accepting any other form of unsecured data, or any blackberry native app because they is don't have access to root.

This is coup pure and simple. There really is no reason to consider the Blackberry anything less than a "better android than android". Still the average consumer is going to just grab whatever phone he last saw on a tv commercial. That's why Blackberry is best to focus on Enterprise or a couple years and look for another chance to crack the wider consumer market.