* Posts by Bill Fresher

447 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jul 2007


Apple appears to be charging Brits £309 to replace AirPods Max batteries, while Americans need only stump up $79

Bill Fresher

It's 85EUR on the French site.

Voyager suffers a power wobble as boffins start the final countdown for Spitzer

Bill Fresher

Our solar system is all there is. The rest is an illusion. A shadow of our pasts and futures. Once Voyager reaches the limit of our space it will disappear.

5.1 update sends Apple's Watch 4 bling spinning into an Infinite Loop of reboot cycles

Bill Fresher

I have a lot of meetings in my job and having something that notifies me of calendar events by buzzing my wrist is genuinely useful + passing through emails/messages from my VIP list so I can discreetly see if there's something I might need to find time to respond to. Also, paying for something with watch is super easy and convenient, be it a coffee, a sandwich, a pint, or the tube ride home.

But I completely get why many people wouldn't get much value out of one.

Bill Fresher

May I be the token person who says - my Apple Watch 4 updated fine and I have had no problems.

Apple in XS new sensation: Latest iPhone carries XS-sive price tag

Bill Fresher

Re: redefining what a watch can do for you

Exactly - and a phone that only makes and receives calls, and a TV that only shows BBC1, in black and white.

Motorola Z2 Force: This one's for the butterfingered Android lovers

Bill Fresher

Could someone please attempt to attempt to explain to me what "attempt to attempt to" means.

Netflix silent about ridicule as it discusses punters' viewing habits

Bill Fresher

Has anyone tried to make a Data Protection Request with Netflix? Might be interesting to see how they respond.

Apple exits music player biz by killing iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle

Bill Fresher

I just bought an iPod nano a couple of days ago - I dropped my old one while out walking and it broke.

I far prefer walking with a nano in my hand than my iPhone, it's more convenient to hold and less of a lure for the moped phone snatchers that have started spreading in London.

Spend your paper £5 notes NOW: No longer legal tender after today

Bill Fresher

"What the reporter meant, methinks, is that in 1957 the price of beer was one shilling per pint, or 5p in today's (decimal) money."

I always take "today's money" as meaning inflation adjusted.

Apple’s premium TV plans – the hobby doomed to stay that way

Bill Fresher

Re: Apple TV poor in the UK

I have the latest Apple TV and I think it's terrible.

It's missing various UK TV channels, no Amazon Prime video, the remote control touch interface is a pain to use, and the Now TV app keeps crashing when trying to view the live Entertainment or Movies.

I got a Roku 3 in the end and it has all the channels I need, the apps never crash, and the remote is well built and easy to use.

Uber: Please don't give our London drivers English tests. You can work out the reason why

Bill Fresher

Actually, he wanted to go to Croydon, not Brixton. He was being picked up in Brixton.

The Life and Times of Lester Haines

Bill Fresher

Really good obituary.Thanks el Reg.

London's contactless ticket payment system for sale in £15m deal

Bill Fresher

"TfL is the body responsible for London’s buses, trains, and underground, reckons its system now accounts for one in 10 of the UK’s contactless payments."

"Contactless payments used for 1bn UK purchases in 2015"


So 100 million contactless journeys a year, but 65,000 * 365 is only 24 million.

Bill Fresher

"TfL claims its system processes 31 million journeys each day"

"TfL claims 65,000 journeys a day are being made using contactless"

So only 0.2% of journeys use contactless?

El Reg nips down to the Hewlett You Inn?

Bill Fresher

Re: My Word

Unless she's drunk. In which case she has a long career in management ahead of her.

Silent Nork satellite tumbling in orbit

Bill Fresher

Re: No telemetry

The piece of string connecting the satellite to a paper cup back on earth must have snapped on launch.

Dutch cops train anti-drone eagle squadron

Bill Fresher

Re: Instant amputation of Eagle's feet?

" and they are working on further protection of the "legs" (sorry, no idea what the bird term is)."


Apple backs down from barring widow her dead husband's passwords

Bill Fresher

How does Apple know the geezer's password?

El Reg mulls entering Robot Wars arena

Bill Fresher

Launch the frigging space plane first.

Sketch dev pulls out of Mac App Store, cites slow reviews, tech limitations

Bill Fresher

The mac app store is rubbish.

I bought an app for £1.49 from there which didn't work. I contacted Apple for a refund and they said to contact the developer - problem is the developer's link is also broken!!

I reported the broken app March 2015. Since then a number of other users have also posted app not working reviews and last month people were still getting caught out. As of today it's still there.

Where's the quality control?

Black Friday

Bill Fresher

Black Friday

I would get the odd email from places I'd shopped online and I didn't mind.

In fact sometimes there'd be something I'd decide to buy.

But f-ing Black Friday shows up and I've had two emails a day for days before and days after.

So now I've hit the unsubscribe link on all these Black Friday spammers and they've forever lost my casual custom.


Science Museum trumpets Da Vinci expo

Bill Fresher

Those photos of the exhibit look amazing. Some stuff on partitions, a model of something and a computer screen. Awesome.

Caption Competition

Bill Fresher

Caption Competition

So.. what happened to the results of the 23rd October Caption Competition?

Apple – it's true: iPad Pro slabs freeze when plugged in to charge

Bill Fresher

Turning on Hey Siri appears to fix this issue.

Hubble finds lonely 'void galaxy' floating in cosmic nothingness

Bill Fresher

Re: A bit confused here...

"Why would anyone build telescopes of any strength at all, if the sky looks blank?"

Presumably because you can see the stars that are in this galaxy.

Reg reader achieves bronze badge, goes directly to jail

Bill Fresher

Re: I've been around here for ages

I ain't got no badges either. Member since 2007, 1332 posts.

Caption this: WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg

Bill Fresher

At last! My futurescope works! I can see LOHAN's flight... and the results of the caption competition.

Now let's see what happened in the 30 years before that...

Bill Fresher

Now to take my clock to school to show the teacher...

Bill Fresher

Barry prepared to use the Laser Razor he'd backed on Indiegogo.

Bill Fresher

This kickstarter iPhone lens attachment is quite what I expected.

Made you jump! Space to give Earth an asteroid Halloween scare

Bill Fresher

"That's the nearest asteroid flyby since 2006, and there won't be another one as close until August 2027,"

This one was only spotted 10 days ago - so how can anyone claim there won't be another encounter this close until 2027?

Massive Ads

Bill Fresher

Massive Ads

What's with the MASSIVE ads above what used to be "The Register" top of page?

Some are so big they take up almost half the page - and cause a big delay in page loading.

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg

Bill Fresher

Amstrad Glass is going to be awesome, thought Alan Sugar.

Bill Fresher

Kid on the left: "And when I move it closer to the camera?"

Apple hypegasm countdown. What will the new, big iPad ACTUALLY be called?

Bill Fresher

Re: Please let it be a 4k resolution 32" iPad

A 32" iPad will be the perfect digital camera replacement - especially if they also release a selfie stick made from a scaffolding pole.

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg

Bill Fresher

Mr. Berman: "Excellent ... another addition to my Worst Caption Competition Photos Ever portfolio."

Brit school claims highest paper plane launch crown

Bill Fresher

It's also almost a year (21 Sep 2014) since us lot donated £30,750 to the LOHAN campaign.

Any way we can transfer the cash to these kids instead?

Huge, absorbent iPad rumours recycled – and this time it's REAL. True

Bill Fresher

Re: OS X

I downvoted you because I thought your comment was dumb.

Indiana Jones whips Bond in greatest movie character poll

Bill Fresher

No Frank Barone in the TV list? pah.

Apple threw its TV out the window after years of research: report

Bill Fresher

Re: Sharholders != Investors?

"benefit to the company"

Who is the company? The employees, the shareholders or the customers?

Apple MacBook 2015: Twelve inches of slim and shiny fanboi joy

Bill Fresher

Re: Ports

Another USB-C port and a micro sd slot and it would be pretty neat.

Quid-A-Day Nosh Posse taunted with sausage sarnie snap

Bill Fresher

Seems no-one doing the challenge wants to answer this question.

Oh well.

Bill Fresher

Is foraging or eating produce grown in your garden really in the spirit of the challenge?

Can you eat venison every day, so long as you shot the deer?

What if you live on a farm?

Apple Watch RIPPED APART, its GUTS EXPOSED to hungry Vultures

Bill Fresher

Re: You owe me a new sarcasm detector.

You owe me a new stating the obvious detector.

Thank you very much.

Bulgarian Bill Gates blagger busted, banged up, again: report

Bill Fresher

"I'm not about to faff around composing posts in Fiddler, so never mind."

Didn't do anything as complicated as that here -- bit still needed a little faff.

Pre-order consumergasm will leave Apple Watches out of stock for months

Bill Fresher

@ThomH "a huge battery life improvement is what would be required for me even to consider a smart watch. Probably of several weeks."

There is this thing which claims 30-days battery life - and starts at 169GBP.


Bill Fresher
Thumb Up

Way too expensive.
