CV Gathering
I recall applying for a least one role where the recruiter (agency) admitted that there wasn't a specific job on offer, they were just gathering CVs for potential future roles. Needless to say those future roles never materialised.
13 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Nov 2013
Regular delivery of working software doesn't mean it has to be put into production immediately. It just means that particular feature or component can be ticked off and accepted (or rejected for rework) while the team moves onto the next one. It's also a quality measure - if the delivered software doesn't work then it's not meeting the requirement.
You'd typically wait until you have an MVP (buzzword alert) at the very least before putting into production and changing business processes - it's the customer's choice.
At one previous job, we had a couple of 42U racks which needed to be installed on the 5th floor - pretty sure we did do a survey before delivery - but the only way they were coming in was on top of the lift. Remarkably, this worked.
Later, we needed to move them to the other side of the office (an adjoining building) to put into a more appropriate environment (a/c, decent power etc) and as they wouldn't fit through the internal doors, a few of us manhandled each rack out onto a narrow external balcony which ran across both buildings, and back in the other side. This entailed swivelling the racks round on the balcony wall. Only a small risk of them crashing to the street 5 storeys below..
Many years ago I worked for a company running a dial-up information system. We used to give out terminals (Wyse or similar) and modems to clients.
One day a client calls saying they've switched on the terminal but the screen is blank. Tech support guy asks can you try the brightness dial on the side of the terminal?
Hey-presto one working monitor and one suitably embarrassed client.
Thanks for the SLA link. Shame that as the cloud load balancers are so cheap that even though we had about 5 affected (which took down our main web sites) the rebate will be pretty insignificant. Will have to scour the agreement to see if any other clauses apply.