Re: 2-in-1 WTF?
having the CPU and GPU in the same physical package.
44 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jul 2007
I've been using hotmail for over ten years, it's my main account. i can get it on my android phone no problem. The nice new interface has worked perfectly for me.
so for AC, stuff has moved on in the last 10 years, this is called progress, being in IT you may have come across it before.
Seanmon, it is available over IMAP, and has been for years.
failing to understand your problems, and no i'm not an MS staffer, or any way connected to them.
well doh. it's what they do here. I mean it's not like the oposition will be against this, just the population that knows about it. I'm pretty sure the aussie version of demcoracy is as poor as ours. i.e. the bastards do what they want after organising cushy deals for themselves, just ask mandelson.
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"Chief police officers will be responsible for auditing the activity of their own officers and no user should audit their own activities"
"They will be monitored by HM Inspectors of Constabulary."
so the police and their mates in the HMIC will be making sure everyting is ok. I feel more relaxed already.
Some of these political types are quite clearly paranoid and delusional. I too laughed at the silly pictures, there are in no way erotic and it makes you wonder about the mindset that does think they are porn. It says a lot more about the lawyers than the poor sad aussie that's just been cuffed.
I want to go to a new planet, this one is f*£%£d!
fair enough, i've got a 4 core 3GHZ machine with 6 GB of RAM, but damn, it's good! everything i want to use, some of it going back many years, works well. it boots quickly, and is stable as a rock. i've even updated my netbook, and have no problems with that either.
Cheers M$, after my many years in the industry you're actually releasing some decent software now.
Still waiting for my flying car though....
why not? it's already happened in Tesco's. They refused to sell spoons to a young lady, as they were similar to knives or some stupid answer like that.
From Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
[the Sheriff has said he'll cut out Robin Hood's heart with a spoon]
Guy of Gisborne: Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?
Sheriff of Nottingham: Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more.
the best counter argument for the numpties that spout the nothing to hide nothing to fear mantra is ask them if they have curtains in their house. I usually find that they all have curtains, funny how they've got nothing to hide, but still like a little privacey.
I agree with all of this, as soon as the politicos submit themselves for a full audit.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes... and all that.
and we love you for it. this is the sort of silliness that we all secretly love. british eccentricty at it's best. the rest of the world may have nicer mountains, bigger rivers, nice food etc. but we have the best silly people anywhere in the world.
God bless you all!
Can't remember the head though, he must be new. In Ballakerneen back in '93 out of 1200 students in the year there were only two black people, (they were brother and sister) There were a few chinese kids too.
Leave them to it. it's only 70,000 sheep shagging alcloholics clinging to a rock.
So I'm not the only person who watched monkey dust! that was an awesome show, I've got all the AVI's and give it to anyone that listens to my rants.
Is this not sickening, how this joke of a government works. with the levels of paranoia running through parliment I think we need an inquiry to see if there is something wrong with their water. people that scared should be in a protective environment (like, maybe broadmoor) not free to roam the streets and make the rest of our lives hell.
I will never submit to ID scheme and would rather go to prison.
well i think it's the best logo, in fact it's so good it should be used by every government department. they are quite clearly a complet shower of tossers from the office of the PM down to whichever numpty in greenwich council wants to replace my 5 year old communal door with a £30,000 example that is not required.
UK.GOV, They are all wankers.
"The Swedish volleyball team are visiting a jelly factory just as a fire breaks out, and the sprinklers come on and one of the jelly crystal tanks bursts, just as one of the team members makes an unkind remark about one of the other members hair styles," I reply. "But apart from that..."
and i know, i've read them all.
"No," the PFY says, to my internal sigh of relief given his propensity for conspiracy theories.
"No, it's the Underground that's doing it."
FANTASTIC, Thanks, Simon. You've surpassed yourself this time. I found the BofH in my first IT job 12 years ago. He's inspired me ever since. I've used the solar flares from the excuse card to explain non explainable GPF's.
BofH and The Register, coud there be a coupling?
fell out of my pocket on the way home, shame i was riding a motorbike. it was very dead, i recovered it beofre it got splattered by any cars, but it was very dead. now i've got an 8GB sony erricson. 32MB, pah. i threw away the 32MB card from my camera and put a 2GB card in. it's amazing how data requirements have grown so much.