* Posts by Mooby Dick

4 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Nov 2013

LeEco Le Pro 3: Low-cost, high-spec Droid takes on the big boys with a big fat batt

Mooby Dick

Re: Headphone volume warning...

Wow... mention an EU rule and you get straight in with a 'Daily Mail' knee jerk.

Fair enough. Looking up EN60950-1:2006 / A12 (annex Zx if you're keen) which is compulsory for any music player product that displays a CE mark is probably a bit too hard.

Have a tissue: you've left some flecks of spittle on your monitor.

Mooby Dick

Re: Headphone volume warning...

The headphone volume nag is an EU requirement, I'm afraid, and is now built-in to Android.

You have to warn the user when the electrical output level goes above a certain amount and it requires a positive confirmation to go further. The music player (for it affects all such devices) must repeat the nagging for every 24 hours of music listened to.

Now, this obviously takes no account of how efficiently your headphones convert 'leccy into noise, nor if they are powered 'phones. God knows it took us an age to argue that it was irrelevant for BT devices... but PLEASE, won't somebody think of the children? ;-)

Lenovo completes Motorola purchase for $2.9bn – $10bn less than Google paid for it

Mooby Dick

This could actually be a good thing...

A quick check of Amazon shows that Moto have been the top seller for about a year. Currently #1, most wished for and most gifted. Then there't the watch that actually looks like a watch rather then the 1970's on your wrist.

Stick some Lenovo scale into the mix and they could do well. FSM knows the mobile space needs to have the current duopoly broken.

Autopilot guides Texan plane home from a dizzying 30,000m

Mooby Dick
Paris Hilton

1 Meeeellion RPM

Firstly, this is made of 100% pure extract of fecking awesome.

Second, a useful lesson there on the terrifying spin rate that little plane achieved. LOHAN is rather more well endowed (though not spectacularly so) and we'd all hate to see her bits come flying out when screwed around that quickly.

Oh, hang on....