* Posts by stonecatch

4 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Nov 2013

Games I spent waaay too much time on - 80s onwards.


Tetris is one of my favorite. I can last 5 hours playing it back then. Also pacman is one of the best game ever made. Now, all games that's coming out seems so complicated to play, it takes a while to learn.

Training puppies.


Definitely true. Dogs are like people a second best friend, a life companion. I love my dogs! They are always happy to see me whenever I come home.

New version of XBMC released!


That's great news, I've been using XBMC and have no problems with it.

Steve Jobs biopic


they say Kutcher looks like jobs when he was young, but i don't know with the acting part. Kutcher is well known for romatic comedys.