Re: Not a Hater
2 things:
1) SystemD re-implements some features. But it does so in an unexpected and worse way. For example, fstab mounts used to fail-soft, leaving you with a system which while broken, could at least be logged in to to fix it. Now, mount fails are fatal. Ands since the mounting (for swap files) happens in initrd, just patching fstab frm a rescue disk doesn't fix it.
2) It does not work like it's documented. I was trying to implement a script that runs on shutdown before the users are logged out. It seems that the user sessions are ended, and their processes killed, before any unit shutdowns are processed.
2.1) Oh, yes, changed defaults to suit LP's desktop. It used to be that processes started by users lived after the user logged out. Because he got fed up with Gnome desktop processes being left over on session end, he unilaterally changed the default to kill all processes on logout. You can disable this, but it surprises you when you first upgrade from SysVinit.