* Posts by dsuden

9 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2013

Dead device walking: Apple iPod Touch 6th generation


Not just for kids!

I can understand why people who need a costly monthly cellular bill for their iPhones due to their larger need for mobile communication have difficulty understanding why anyone would need an iPod Touch. But it's a mistake to think this device is just for kids. I'm self-employed, work at home, and do most of my phone calling there. For the few times I need a cell phone, I use a Tracfone, which costs me just a few dollars a month. I have an iPod Touch 5th gen I use a LOT, for quick Internet and e-mail access, podcasts, movie playback, music, and especially, spontaneous photography. I've taken some great pictures with it, and it's so lightweight and thin that I can carry it around without even feeling it in my pocket. We have Wi-Fi access both indoors and out...and when my wife and I are out in the garden, we're constantly calling on Siri to answer gardening questions. We call my iPod touch "The Oracle" because we can quickly get the answer to just about anything. :-) I've been wishing and hoping for one with an improved camera since I got this one in 2012, and I'm excited to get the 6th Gen!

Shields up! Shields up! ASTRONAUTS flying to MARS will arrive BRAIN DAMAGED, boffins claim


Register, please learn a new word. Referring to experts as "boffins" is getting really tiresome.

Air gaps: Happy gas for infosec or a noble but inert idea?


Boffins Boffins Boffins

Anybody tired of that word on The Register yet?

TITANIC: Nuclear SUBMARINE cruising 'Sea of KRAKENS' may be FOUND ON icy MOON


Boffins again

For heavens sake, learn a new word, Register! Readers, try a search for "boffins" on this site and be amazed.

Boffin the boffin and his boffinry pals in double dwarf super-prang alert


Boffin schmoffin

What is ths unending fascination the Register has with the term, "boffin?" I just did a search of the site and it pulled up 899 pages containing that word. If this publication is going to to insist on being cutesy all the time, at least they could have the decency to try to broaden its repertoire.

MYSTERIOUS Siberia CRATER: ALIENS or METEOR not involved, officials insist


Global warming, of course!

If I were to believe the reports these days, I might be persuaded that EVERYTHING is the result of global warming. It's stunning how far this has gone. It's permeating our entire culture.

I would be willing to wager that you could take any phenomenon, natural or otherwise, provide it to a greenatologist, and he/she would handily produce a half dozen ways it could be directly related to global warming.

Climate: 'An excuse for tax hikes', scientists 'don't know what they're talking about'


Re: I think...

Perhaps then, if you are not a climatologist, you aren't qualified to give an opinion on whether they know. :-) Let's be honest. Some may theorize with a larger base of knowledge, but nobody *really* knows.

Ex-despot Noriega sues: How dare Call of Duty make me look like, like...


Tell us about misappropriation, Mr. N.

Seems likely Mr. N. knows of what he speaks when he talks about "misappropriation for economic gain."

Right royal rumpus over remote-control 'RoboRoach'


I think there's the danger of a slippery slope here. It might start with the dismissal of cruelty to the smallest life forms, but over time, who knows how far our crassness might take us? Imagine, a day might come when our cynicism might extend even to the murder of unborn children!