10 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Nov 2013
Recently I've started using dried basil in Indian recipes. Works a treat.
low tide
I can't wait till my local station, with 1 window, and 1 person on duty, starts to do this. Awesome.
.. on why homeopathy (and similar) don't work.
Your 19 is my 19K. Internationalisation
[pi@dns0 ~]$ nslookup -type=AAAA www.theregister.com
Non-authoritative answer:
*** Can't find www.theregister.com: No answer
[pi@dns0 ~]$ ping6 www.theregister.com
unknown host
All plastic BT towers should have a pussy walking up the side.
will be Richard Stallman
I'd like to see it snowing C02, although maybe the atmospheric conc. is a little low?
Added that blog to my bookmarks. Good stuff.