Re: $28 BN!!!!
Makes IBM $34BN for Red Hat look lika a bargain
20 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Nov 2013
In the result "Cloud" is mentioned twice as "Cloud revenues" and "Cloud Platforms" (lumped together with "Technology Services" for some reason). But "Cloud" is also a part of "Strategic Imperatives", right?
If the objective is to obscure the reality for those like me with limited cognitive abilities by using a cloudy message it certainly worked.
Better way:
Get wallet out
Find real money
Give real money to shop assistant
Get real money (change) back (if applicable)
Put real money (change) in wallet (if applicable)
Apple, Google, NSA, Visa etc safe. No one knows what, where and when you have shopped (except the shop assistant who has forgotten you the same second the money has been received).