i agree, they also not driven by poverty etc. this was just pure greed to exploit
Posts by tesmith47
71 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Nov 2013
FCC calls for mega $300 million fine for massive US robocall campaign
No more holidays for US telcos, FCC is cracking down
Engineers on the brink of extinction threaten entire tech ecosystems
So bye-bye, Mr Ajit Pai. You drove our policy into the levee and we still wonder why
Loser Trump's last financial disclosure docs reveal Tim Cook gave him $5,999 Mac Pro, the 'first' made in Texas
Google Cloud's AI recog code 'biased' against black people – and more from ML land
Death to DRM, we'll kill it in a decade, chants EFF
Re: @Pen-y-gors - Not going to happen
in my experience the overwhelming number of folks who view or have pirate copys cannot afford and will not be buying the corporate trash, so basically they're not losing a sale but getting free advertisement. (in my opinion the corporate movie and music trash is not worth buying any way so they should rent it because most will be thrown away after a few uses!!) ps i am old and dont look at (mostly racist) hollywood movies and dont listen to the "modern popular music" i do Coltrane and Bach etc.
Re: Not going to happen
i dont look at or listen to any of the crap put out today. BUT i understand folks pirate tuff, when i was younger movies were about $2 and the fancy theaters were $5 now you are lucky to go to a movie for $12 records were $6-8 dollars now cds are $16 but peoples incomes have not kept up with the increases. I dont understand why music that is 40 -50 years old cost as much as new "music" hasent everyone been paid yet!!??
Yay, more 'STEM' grads! You're using your maths degree to do ... what?
Re: Bah!
i agree with you except for the one word "CANT" remunerate , i think it is more a case of capitalist WONT remunerate. the capitalist expect that enough bright folks will fin a way to invent or discover that they need not invest any capital or effort neither theirs directly nor theirs indirectly (I.E. the governments tax money!!) yeah the capitalist own everything and all the money!!!
Want cheaper AT&T gigabit service? Move to a Google Fiber city
$100m fine? How about, er, $16k? AT&T teabags FCC with its giant balls
Google to take another shot at a free Wi-Fi business
AMD: We're not splitting our gfx and servers biz, ignore all the rumours
I would hate to see AMD go down, i remember when there were three cpus you could buy and the only one that i could afford was AMD (386 dx was expensive and damn apple was totally out of the question!!). I will always have a soft spot for AMD my present chip does everything i need including video stuff, i love my fx8350
Duqu 2.0 malware buried into Windows PCs using 'stolen Foxconn certs'
ISIS command post obliterated after 'moron' jihadi snaps a selfie, says US Air Force
the author of this article is a part of the ethnic group that has caused the people in the middle east to resort to violence. the west opposes ISIS and that is legitimate but there is no need to demonize and vilify the people the west has abused, misused and exploited for 150 years. people like this author dont seem to remember when the middle east was pleading with the west to help them and the west response was to rape them some more. (remember the secret treaties in the league of nations on how to parcel out those countrys?, remember assassinating Mosedgghi? remember taking palestine ? etc etc???? considering all of the history of the west fu- king them up i am surprised more of them are not ISIS!!
Twitter CRAWLS to Google ON ITS KNEES, starts blowing content
Woman caught on CCTV performing drunken BJ blew right to privacy
'Come on, everyone – block US govt staff ogling web smut at work'
me thinks damsel doth protest to much!! surprise! republican from the bible belt complaining about maybe sex / porno on computers.
but he and his ilk have no problem with folks viewing murderous us army troops attacking and murdering folks all over the world!!! violence and murder are ok,
Skin colour's irrelevant. Just hire competent folk on their merits, FFS
"However, there's one part of the pro-diversity business case that seems to me to be less than conclusively proven. And that's the one that insists that diversity among the workforce is required to be able to deal with diversity among the customer base. I really just don't get that at all."
yeah i know what you mean!!!!
Nokia boss smashes net neutrality activists
Australian ISPs agree to three-strikes-plus-court-order anti-piracy plan
i am so tired of content providers crying the blues all the time, they make more money thn they can count and they still complain about the few folks that get their trash for free or steal it.
for transparancy, i dont play games nor do i watch much tv (local news) and i never goto movies.
the only game i have is angry birds to play at the airport. i listen to jazz and european orchestral music and even old music like that they charge high prices for. (no rock, hip hop, rap country etc)
if consumers as a group would just boycott all of their crap for just 1 month, they wuld come around to some good sense about it.
Windows 7 MARKED for DEATH by Microsoft as of NOW
and of course the bastards will demand you pay another 200-300 dollars for the new os and cry all the way to the bank that people are using bootleg versions of the new os. damn but they piss me off, i just bought a os 7 because of the 64 bit capability with more memory( wife plays farmville2) even though xp worked well enough for my email, blogs,netflix and porno.!!
'Giving geo-engineering to this US govt is like giving a child a loaded gun'
Google signs up Sprint and T-Mobile to sell its cellphone plans – report
hell yeah, kick att and verizon in the teeth!!
i use an att mvno , H2o for $40 month 2g data unlimited talk/ text but the customer service is not good and they dont speak understandable english. i would give google a go , especialy if they were cheaper!!! (and i could understand what the hell they are saying!!!)
If Europe is against US's Irish email grab, it must pipe up now
oh yeah, we have a reason to invade and bomb Ireland now!!! they are harboring potential drug dealers and probably terrorist too!!! I mean if it is a good enough reason to kidnap and imprison president Noreiga from Nigaugura then it damn well is good enough for those Irish!!!! LOL
i know this will never happen, the Irish are considered "White" now
SCREW YOU, net neutrality hippies – AT&T halts gigabit fiber
Re: Obama Plan for Internet?? - Nooooo!
ow much is one (worthless) F35 fighter? how about $300 million for the navy version.
maybe it is a matter of priorities , help your citizens or extend your empire by attacking undeveloped countrys that cannot strike back effectively (lets attack russia or china macho guys!!!)
Re: Obama Plan for Internet?? - Nooooo!
i love all of you anti Obama folks, you always get the story twisted. the reason the affordable care act is crippled is because the REPUBLICANS did everything in their power to screw it up as much as possible. Even with that, my relatives in W. Virginia, for the first time in their lives have some sort of health care.
I am not a Democrat and i think the Dems are bunch of whimps, they should of rammed the original single payer plan through, and screw bi-partisian crap!!!
The dems deserve a sound whipping for letting the republicans do that.