* Posts by frontierteg

2 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Nov 2013

Internet Explorer 11 at it again, breaks Microsoft's own CRM software


Also breaks CRM access from Outlook

Explorer 11 has made CRM 4 being accessed through Outlook unable to open entity windows. It just displays a small "Error" message on the main list window footer and doesn't open the entity.

Simply removing the Explorer 11 update and restarting your computer fixes the problem.

'F-CK YOU GOOGLE+' ukelele missy scoops BIG WAD of $$ - for Google


You can still be anonymous

Do none of you know how to create 2 email accounts?

I have one for spam and one I share with others.

The spam one is how I post anonymous comments.

Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, your ISP, and countless others give you the ability to have free email accounts everywhere.

Oh no!!! That would mean remembering 2 passwords to remain anonymous on the net.


Anyone with a problem with Google trying to give you better service, single sign on, news you want to see, youtube videos you might be interested in, and trying to make some money while they offer free access to an index of all of mans knowledge, products and news, has a screw loose somewhere.

I guess you just can't please anyone when you give away free stuff.

It's like people who get welfare complaining about income inequality.