* Posts by Riviera Kid

2 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Nov 2013

Google patent: THROAT TATTOO with lie-detecting mobe microphone built-in

Riviera Kid

Re: Goat fetish

oooooo..... touched a nerve did I? I guess yours was attached to your funny bone, which obviously caused a sense of humour by-pass.... get over it and get a sense of humour !!!!

Riviera Kid

Brilliant idea

Brilliant idea

ok.... before anyone starts lambasting me, hear me out. Primarily its a brilliant idea used approriately. I think when the user has the tattoo put on the throat there ought to be a second part to the procedure, this is a series of L.E.D lamps (for low energy use of course and to cut down their carbon footprint and all that other bollocks) these said lamps should spell the word 'LIAR' and be surgically implanted in the users forehead, so when it is ascertained that the user is in deed a LIAR, the LED's will light up !!... and thinking on the fly...to take it a step further, implant a sound system in the users head, so not only do we get the visual LIAR sign, it can play a fanfair and induce an electric shock, so the politician...errr..sorry....user dances around like a lunatic so everyone around knows the user is a LIAR. Furthermore, these systems should be compulsory for every single politician, banker, CEO of every utility company, estate agents, lawyers, solicitors and every BBC presenter coming in contact with children .... I would value your input :)