* Posts by Wilson! Wilson!

26 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Nov 2013

BlackBerry-driven robo-car spins its RIMs across Canada

Wilson! Wilson!

Jeep hack “doesn’t have anything to do with QNX security"


Charlie Miller, one of the security researchers who uncovered the vulnerability described in this Fact Check, has publicly confirmed that the vulnerability “doesn’t have anything to do with QNX security”. Case closed.

BlackBerry: You can't just roll up and make one

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: Hubris

They can't prevent Android mechanical keyboards if they've been selling one since last year (Priv). They also said they'd licence hardware IP to appropriate manufacturers, and will soon release a new Android phone with a KB.

BlackBerry: Comeback canter should be a trot... yet, weirdly, isn't

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: Blackberry Backdoor to blame

The link you provided states BlackBerry does not have backdoors... and thus contradicts your post. BlackBerry, like Apple, does not store or keep user data so there is nothing to backdoor into. What Chen said was that GPS coordinates and other metadata can help law enforcement track suspects without access to encrypted communications. It appears Tim Cook doesn't want to share this unencrypted metadata with law enforcement... which is an approach many believe will force the government to enact some really stupid law that will make life harder for everybody else in the tech sector.

Five things that doomed the big and brilliant BlackBerry 10

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: What Blackberry ideas were "copied by Google and Apple" as the article claims?

If you remember how Android/iOS were in 2013 and compare them to the latest versions of their respective OS's, you can see how much better they are today. From better security, notification centers, to Facetime, to multitasking etc.

Leaked images claim to show BlackBerry's first Android phone

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: Might not be a complete lost cause.

I think Google and BlackBerry are working on something different: a secured Android OS for business that will run an integrated suite of BlackBerry apps like the Hub and BBM but will have access to Google Play services and apps. Perhaps a heavily forked Android version that Google has agreed to support.

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: no longer synonomous with security then?

I don't care if BlackBerry and Google are working together on something new (I don't think it will be pure Android), because I bought my first BlackBerry last week (Silver Edition Passport). I've been sitting on the fence since the original Passport came out... I wanted it but all the negative press and troll comments almost made me believe Android was better. Now that I have one, I wonder why I waited so long to try a BB10 phone. If the Silver Edition were an Android flagship it would cost at least $200 more than it's current price (Apple $400 more). BlackBerry will continue to support BB10 and still be synonymous with security.

Fondleslab deaths grounded ALL of American Airlines' 737s

Wilson! Wilson!

IT Service provider faces huge fines by airline for tablet outage.

Who is to blame? in the airlines eyes, probably the IT service provider responsible supplying/maintaining the pilots iPads regardless if the problem is with the app or the tablet. Then the service provider will sue one of these suppliers.

BlackBerry will pay you $$$s to be its friend and dump that iPhone

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: I think the Passport is lovely

I'd wait a couple more weeks for the Q20 (Classic). I like the Passport for the large screen and touch KB, but you do need both hands to operate it. The Classic though is definitely their best one handed device. I watched a video demonstration of the Toolbelt and optical trackpad on the Q20 and it eliminates the need to swipe or touch the screen, you can operate it with one thumb... it's a true one handed device.

BlackBerry comeback: BES12 server revealed – it will manage ALL THE THINGS

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: Too late

Agree, BES12 is a year late. It took a long time because it was designed from the ground up so it could manage iOS, Android and WP8 phones better than BES10 could... and now it also manages OS7 phones. Airwatch and other MDM's are pretty good, but they all have their own limitations, as your company will soon find out.

The bad news is that many BES5 customers have been switching to other platforms. The good news is that BES12 is already attracting customers who never used BlackBerry products and services.

Apple: SO sorry for the iOS 8.0.1 UPDATE BUNGLE HORROR

Wilson! Wilson!

If this would happen to....

If the same problems happened to other companies with much smaller market-share like HTC, LG, Sony, MS, BlackBerry or Motorola they would suffer a terrible fate... BlackBerry would have to give up the hardware business for good if their new Passport was flimsy and broke within 24 hours or if the phone turned into a useless brick. The blogosphere/twitter/press would be howling.

Man, its smartphones are SQUARE. But will BlackBerry make a comeback with them?

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: love it

Yes, every tech blogger/writer needs to give us a history lesson on BlackBerry at the beginning of every article... I usually start reading at the third paragraph. It is annoying for up to date tech readers who are more interested in what's new than stale news.

Apple's Watch is basically electric perfume

Wilson! Wilson!

Smartwatch a niche device?

I mostly agree with the article, but I think smartwatches can be the right tool for specific circumstances.

I've read today that BlackBerry was doing research on wearables (glasses, watches); it's not clear if they plan to develop apps that run on all smartwatches or if they are going to build their own devices, but we can safely assume whatever they do it will focus on the needs of Enterprise users. You can't always be holding a tablet or a phone when you're working and it's time consuming to drop everything (assuming you're not working sitting down at a desk) to look at a notification or read a message. Wearables could be useful in the Medical or construction industry for example, or the military, or in industrial environments... assuming you can use voice commands to interact with the watch, the possibilities are endless.

Movirt-who? BlackBerry gobbles maker of multi-line smartphone tech

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: Enterprise focus?

You are mostly right but the plan is not to quit handsets, they have an excellent OS and well designed phones, and they will keep selling them as long as they can. In their current structure, they only need to sell 10 million phones per year to make a profit. Qwerty phones address a niche market, and are designed for Enterprise users... there will always be a market for keyboard phones like the new Passport, which focus on productivity and security.

BlackBerry and others like Samsung are all aware of the coming commoditization of the handset market and you rightly observe that all the moves the new CEO made since he took over is to turn BlackBerry into an Enterprise software and service provider.

BlackBerry's Passport will be the WEIRDEST mobe of 2014

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: First Time Caller here...

Barry, did you try the Crackberry site, from what I can tell they have huge community that help each other in the forums... chances are your problem already has a solution.

Wilson! Wilson!

Same size as a Canadian passport

The Passport is the same size as a Canadian passport. It's not too tall or too wide to fit in any normal pocket. I think it will be easier to hold and type on than most phablets.

BlackBerry makes its devilish Android trickery official in OS update

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: How to install Amazon app store on BB10.2.1

Not sure about Google play, but Amazon has welcomed BB users to use the Amazon AppStore.


DroidStore (native Google Play client)

Amazon App Store

1mobile Market

APK Train (website)

Snap APK Downloader

If you already own an Android device, you could install an app such as “App Backup and Restore” then export your APK files to your cloud storage such as Dropbox. You can then use your BlackBerry device to open your Dropbox account and simply click on the saved APK file to install.

Wilson! Wilson!

How to install Amazon app store on BB10.2.1

How to get Android apps on devices running BB 10.2.1 from the Amazon app store in 3 quick steps:

1- Download and install the Amazon app store: Open browser and go to (http://www.amazon.com/getappstore) and tap "Download Amazon app store"

2- Run and log in to the Amazon app store.

3- Download and install Android apps.

That's it!

BlackBerry flings John Chen $89 MILLION to save troubled firm

Wilson! Wilson!

Re: Hmm.

Here here!

I agree especially with the last paragraph.