* Posts by Pete "oranges" B.

108 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jul 2007


Women love chocolate more than password security

Pete "oranges" B.

How fast can you run?

I might just fork over the passwords to my home computer for hand full of yummy food-stuffs. I'll even tell you where I live. I might also use the "Terminal Client" app on my Sidekick to ssh into said computer and change all the aforementioned passwords. Run fast dude, my connection is slow, but not that slow. Oh and the dog isn't to fond of strangers so I hope you don't like those pants *wink*.

Japan turning itself into Cyberman machine civilisation

Pete "oranges" B.


I'm glad I'm alone in my initial thought being "To much GITS".

But when/if you are ready to start taking orders for Tachikoma units, please put me down for a pair...

Terry Pratchett has Alzheimer's

Pete "oranges" B.

This is an -ing shame!

Deeply troubling indeed, my best wishes to you, Mr. Pratchett, in his struggle, your books have brought me many a laugh and serve to bring back wonder to those modern miracles which have become mundane to us in our daily lives.

While this should not be marked a black day, it is indeed one of a very dark shade of gray. :(

Sony e-book Reader turns over new leaf

Pete "oranges" B.
Paris Hilton


"The PRS-505 features the same 800MHz Intel Celeron processor, 128MB of memory and 20MB hard drive that its predecessor had. Once again, the device has a battery life quoted as around 7500 page turns and promised to ship it with at least a USB 1.1 or faster port. The latest model comes bundled with an external CD-Rom drive."

Um, something tells me these are the _minimum_ system requirements for the _PC_ it is to be connected to, _not_ the reader itself.

While this:


(from above)

"Operating System

* Operating System --- Windows® XP (Home Edition/Professional, Media Center Edition, Media Center Edition 2004, Media Center Edition 2005)& Windows Vista® (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate).


* 800MHz Intel® Celeron® class processor or better


* 128 MB Minimum

Hard Drive

* 20MB9 Minimum available Hard Drive space

Optical Drive

* Optical Drive capable of reading CD-ROM

USB Port

* USB 1.1 or faster USB Port (Optimal with USB 2.0)

Internet Connection

* Broadband suggested3"

would seem to give the impression that these are features of the unit itself by not clearly putting them under a heading like "System requirements", the use of phrases like "RAM 128 MB Minimum" and "Processor 800MHz Intel® Celeron® class processor or better" offer some pretty big hints that whatever we're talking about is upgradeable through something _other_ than Memory Stick and SD card slots ;).

Rockstar to battle BBFC over Manhunt 2 ban

Pete "oranges" B.

Thought Police?

"This material puts you in a state of mind of which we do not approve, no game for you."

It's not that far fetched considering it is _not_ a particular sentiment explicitly expressed in the game that is being censored (eg, Communism > Democracy, Apple > Microsoft, Linux > Both, etc. etc.), but content which they claim has a certain effect on the player's psyche.

(we really need a "watching you" icon for stories involving government creepiness)

Peace and Tinfoil hats for all!

DRM on steroids controls backfires on Blu-ray

Pete "oranges" B.

RE: Okay

"For those who have said they won't buy anything with DRM..

1>What OS are you running?

2>Do you own any DVD's?

3>What media players do you have installed?

4>What MP3 player do you own?

5>Anyone else see where this is going?"

1. SUSE 10.0

2. Maybe 50 or so. Only about 5 of those are commercial ones, the rest were made with a stand alone recorder.

3. Amarok, XMMS, and a few others, the only commercial one is Real but its only their because I forgot to remove when the distro was installed, it's never used.

4. Creative Zen Stone

5. Not really....

DHS working on pocket puke-ray

Pete "oranges" B.

Prepare for a Banning...

Yes, now the Federal Government has two new things to keep of out the hands of the citizenry:

1. Any weapon designed to induce physiological effects in the target by use of electromagnetic radiation.

2. Any lens designed to be placed in front of the eyes that negates the effectiveness of electromagnetic riot control devices while allowing visual perception.

Nintendo to let Wii gamers go for their guns

Pete "oranges" B.


I think one is meant to hold this like a stockless riot shotgun or a submachine gun with the stock removed or folded (no actual contact of the gun with the shoulder).

On a side note, it looks like it would be fairly easy to mod a little tube type or folding wire type stock onto this if you are so inclined.
