Do I trust the FBI to tell the truth? No, I do not.
Do I have a "need to know?" No, I do not.
Do I think the FBI really cracked the phone? No, I do not.
Will I ever know the truth about who killed JFK? No, I do not.
Think the FBI will ever come clean on this matter? No, I do not.
What a incredible and miraculous convenience for the FBI's "fat" to be pulled from the fire at the last instant. Even more miraculous is the fact the they were able to extricate their collective embarrassed butts from the public's scorn.
Does the FBI plan on a second bite at Apple? Sorry - unable to resist :)
I think so.
The FBI made a horrific miscalculation. They thought the combination of a terrorist attack in the USA combined with multiple murders would sway the public opinion and Apple would knuckle under and install a backdoor in all their products. And in the process, justify a legal precedent to place backdoors in every electronic data device. They even had a backup plan - demand the manufacturer's source code. They got neither and rightly so.
However, this was only the first round. A warm-up round if you will.
Expect more shenanigans :(